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I thought this was a (relatively) new molecule, but noticed that even Dr. Dodd has published a paper on it, although not as first author, way back in 1983. Skin Conductance and Subjective Assessments Associated with the Odour of Androstanone: S Van Toller, M Kirk-Smith, N Wood, J Lombard & G H Dodd, Biol. Psychology 16, 85-107 (1983) Now I think I can explain why I have noticed some similar effects between MX203 and xcite. I suspect Androstanone may be one of the common molecules.


I think I have a good guess on what TAA and TAC might be. Well TAC wasn't really hard to guess...but TAA had been elusive until I read one of Tacitus' old post. So, here goes... TAA = alpha-androstadienol TAC = beta-androstadienol

Day report 12/27/08: 1 to-go MX203 on back of neck

Received quite a few reactions of notice from many women and a smile from the new brunette barista when I caught her staring at me as I was working on my laptop. 1 to-go spray of MX203 to back of neck works the best. I have noticed sharp dropoff in reactions when going for more than 2 sprays although there has been days when higher sprays have worked, but more often than not they have been bust.

From Dr. Dodd

Pherofragrances from AromaSciences Because pheromones are relatively new in perfumery, we often get requests for further information from our customers – so – we wrote this page for our customers. The first thing we should tell you is that we are world experts in pheromone science and also in the related topic of the psychology of perfumery. You can verify this for yourself by looking at some of the key scientific papers from our chief perfumer – George Dodd. These are listed in his CV on our website ( . We tell you this because on the world-wide-web you will find many sites from charlatans who pretend to have experience of pheromone science. Our claims are modest but tangible – in marked contrast to the wildly exaggerated claims that every woman you meet will swoon – a sure mark of a charlatan company. What are Human Pheromones? They are special aroma molecules on our skin and many of us are super-sensitive in detecting them. Our perfume studio has possibly the b...

1 to-go MX203 gave some good reactions at the gym

Forgot to post this last week. 1 to-go MX203 gave some good reactions at the gym with one strong IOI from a dark haired young woman. It's strange how when women initiate they tend to give a very small window for action. If you don't catch on and respond quickly, then that's it. You can forget about ever getting her or even becoming friends with her. For all she cares you have just insulted her in the worst way possible.

Day report 12/26/08: 2 A314 + 2 squirts TE + 1 xcite + 1 to-go IFM

The older cashier in her 50s at BK was quite rude in her tone. Either it had something to do with her conversation with her manager right before I went to the counter or something in my vibe was offending her. Not many other reactions for the first few hours after application. After about 3 hours went to the gym and immediately felt many eyes on me. I was doing one exercise and the instructor working there came to show me the correct way to do one particular exercise and then went to get his card to give it to me. That in itself is not surprising since he might just be looking to pitch himself as a personal trainer. But I have been doing the same exercise in the same way for several weeks now in front of him and he never felt the need to give me pointers except today. Noticed some looks from other women too, most around 20s, and of all ethnicities. The sweat activated the pheromones a bit more. I skipped shower and went to the book store. Noticed many interest indicators from both youn...

Surfs up/tacitus' post: Pheromones and social volume the b-nol to anrosterone were about 1:1. I shouldn\'t reveal the exact method of dispersal other than to say noone was aware of it. The scent was mild by musky -none standards. The room itself was about 36,000 cubic feet, about 40\' x 60\'give or take 20%. The timing of the effect was unmistakable. There were some offhand comments by others about the social intensity. They attributed it to good team spirit. This is unlike alpha-nol as alpha-nol seems to make the recipients quieter in a group setting, distinctly more intimate. When a decent cloud of alpha-nol has been released in noisy restauants there will be a clearly marked shift in the quality of the group energy from loud babble to a close murmer . The fractal dimension of group conversations will easily distinguish an alpha-nol crowd. The voices are much more carefully modulated and the range of volume, competition to be heard or assert social domina...

Surfs_up's hilarious (and important) post about dealing with crazies some of us dumb ass man guys develop an intial charge from the mentally imbalanced, not that I have ever done such a thing myself you know, 'coz they can be so fired up when they turn on, like to 11 on the 1 to 10 scale, OTOH, you have to be very cautious with this type, they can turn on you like a rattlesnake, go to the cops with all kinds of wildly inflated or fallacious charges, spread rumors , stalk your ass, end up pregnant with your kid, demand child support for somebody elses kid that they swear is yours while stalking you, trying to kill you, burning your house down, pressing abduction and abuse charges on the local state and federal level, planting kiddie porn on your computer then reporting you to the FBI, and begging you to marry them at the same time.... WISE UP FOOL.... WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON, DANGER DANGER... you think you've seen crazy behavior amigo ? unh unh, you ain...

8 weeks into no soap shower

This is the eighth week since I stopped using soap during shower. I don't see a huge difference in my social life. I am continuing to use pheromones during this period. This post is just to keep track of the duration of my being soap free.

Kitchen sink mix

1 A314 applied on chest, 1 squirt TE gel applied on wrists and neck, 2 to-go IG on front of neck, 1 to-go CTTM on head, 1 to-go IFM to back of neck, 1 to-go ICM1b to chest, 1 to-go Focus mix to neck and wrists, 10 mcg TAL + 12.5 mcg MEO-EST, 12.5 mcg P86, 5 dabs PF on face. So I went for the kitchen sink. Surprisingly it wasn't a total bust and received some smiles and signs of attraction. Have no idea what worked and what didn't...

Received IFM and TAL and Day report: 12/20/2008

Thankfully the herbal smell is not there in my current bottle of IFM. I am glad Michael decided to drop the Clary Sage in this version. It does smell strong though but more musky, pheromoney. I will take this over herbal smell any day. Used 1 to-go IFM + 12 mcg of TAL + 1 MX203 + Athena + PF on face Didn't attract much attention. Mood is even, no unusual tension. Easier to smile. Nothing else special to note.

Health report

I went to get my physical consultation today. I was wearing 3 sprays of IG and 1 to-go spray of CTTM. The examiner was a white caucasian pilates instructor in her 20s. The pheromone did have some effect. She kept playing with her hair the entire time and made comments like "you are so funny", "you are so cute" etc. Anyway, so after almost 2 hrs of exercising, measuring, jumping, talking etc. I got my report. First the good news: Body fat percentage is 6% and BMI was 20.4. I also scored excellent on flexibility tests, and abs strength. But the bad news is that my resting heart rate is really high (86). The peak however was 191, which is on par with the average, calculated as (220 - age). I wonder if the high resting heart rate was just temporary and probably due to the stress of the situation, but I am pretty convinced that my heart muscles are weak. I am happy with the effect of cutting out the carbs from my diet on my body fat% and abs. But now I really have to foc...

Pill to make you more charming

A pill that can increase your confidence and make you more charming. I am not sure if it works but it sure looks exciting. Its ingredient list looks good too and the website is well presented. Check it out here: CharmEnhance is the only supplement that has been specifically formulated to enhance the following characteristics in users: 1) High intention but detachment to the outcome 2) Enjoyment of the present moment

2 A314 + 1 xcite + 4 ICM1b + 1 large spray oxycalm: better reactions at the snooty coffee shop

I have been going to this coffee shop for 2-3 weeks and noticed that it's very hard to get a reaction out of anyone here. Today wearing this combo after getting my chai as I passed by a guy sitting with a cute baby girl the baby locked onto me quickly and started smiling and giggling. Typical of A314 + xcite combo. Felt more presence in general. Older man was looking, waiting for acknowledgement. Cute girl looked, smiled and started rearranging her hair. I think I did break through the snooty nature of the crowd here somewhat. It's not a total success but most girls who come here are young, hot and well groomed, kind of expected for the rich crowd and very wary of giving any encouragement to strangers. Yesterday I tried 4 sprays of to-go MX200 here with some success. MX101, TE etc. have failed to give any positive reactions here. I haven't tried Athena + PF combo in isolation here yet.

Michael: all good pheromones are ALL in some way sexual Almost EVERYTHING which signals health, youth and vibrancy IS sexual. We wouldn't have sex if it wasn't for reproduction, and biologically we want to reproduce with the healthiest and most expressive of the species. Openness (Alpha Androstenol, etc.), Shine ( TAA ), beta-Androstenol, ALL of the useful molecules are in some way sexual. Sure, they may not be Red Light District sexual like androstenone is, but they're certainly useful triggers for attraction. Useful indicators for reproductive fitness. Since all pheromones (with the exception of copulins) are the end result of hormone metabolism, they are ALL indicators, in some way, of health. They ALL indicate higher than normal hormonal activity, which tends to indicate good health, and thus they are ALL useful indicators for reproductive fitness. To summarize: Unless they're repugnan...

Pheromones work for like 30 mins, rest is just momentum

I am getting pretty close to concluding that synthetic pheromones applied to the body work for like 30 mins. to 1 hr. tops, and rest is just your mental inertia. This 30 min to 1 hr of "active" period is when people notice their real pheromone generated hits. If there are any effects at other times, outside the "active" period, I think it can only be attributed to the effects on mood that happened during the "active" period (similar to when you get a happy news you are happy for hours, days or sometimes even weeks depending on the type of news) or to the placebo effect, which can also be very significant, and shouldn't be discounted. The problem therefore is that it's very hard to gauge when this "active" period will occur; whether it will be right after application or will come by 5 hrs later. I am mostly surprised that even a happy light mix (like MX203) seems to become active at totally unpredictable time (sometimes right after applica...

Still soap free

Armpits and groin smell fine but head hair doesn't smell so good. I wonder how long it will take for the bacteria there to stabilize. One interesting type of hit that I have noticed recently: In a coffee shop when I am sitting and working on my laptop I will sometimes raise my head and occasionally it will meet the eye of a woman, short eye contact, but just held slightly longer. I notice that she will quickly scurry over and ask if the table near me was taken and then sit there. This is unusual because normally people don't ask (sometimes they do) and if they see an empty table they will just take it. But its unsual that it happens after a short eye contact, so I sense some kind of response there. The problem is they won't initiate a conversation or anything else after that and will just get busy in their work. I haven't tried initiating chat with them as I don't want to bother people who seem to be working. Maybe it's nothing.

2 more days of PF + Athena at same dose as before

Day one: Big office meet and greet. It was easier to mingle and definitely more attention after initiating conversation. Day two: Regular office day. Respect signs from my second boss and another colleague. I don't feel weak with this mix as I would expect from a -nol barrage like this. There is no uncontrolled chattiness. It's attractive and suprisingly also brings respect. No build-up risk and lasts almost all day. What more can a guy want!

Posts by a.k.a on PF at ls PF: Vastly underrated IMO. Not big in the hit department, but perfect for seduction. This stuff is like a magic spell that weaves itself on a girl as you carry on a normal conversation. Before she knows it, she’s giddy with excitement over you. Not to mention it’s a great mood elevator and seemingly impossible to get a bad OD out of. Xcite: Good stuff. Just like PF only handier and more potent. Too bad about the price. There are several safe options: one Xcite wipe OR 4-5 dabs of PF OR 3-4 swipes of SOE (let the smell of the cologne be your guide). NPA gets loads of hits, but I’ve gotten more dates with APC. SOE gets almost no hits, but it’s given me more wild encounters than JB#1. PF gets almost no hits, but I scored every time I wore it...

Athena + PF, 1 to-go TE + 1 to-go PP

Athena + PF 5 dabs each on face. 1 to-go each of TE and PF on the back of neck. 2 young ladies were doing public acting and after I passed them they started displaying approval seeking gestures and giving constant looks. I was surprised at their attention since they looked way too young to be appreciating a high -none signature like that. Athena+PF on the face might have played a role here. Anyway, surprisingly older women were a tad standoffish. Later that night I went to a bar and sat next to a lady, late 20s and after an awkward Hi, started chatting. The smell of TE had started to leak through and I think she must have been able to smell it too, but she didn't mention it and didn't leave my side until the place closed. So there were hits, although the standoffish feeling initially from older ladies confuses me a bit. I definitely need better cover for TE. I haven't had smell leaking with TE gel so I should probably stick with that.

Athena + PF is good for getting smiles

Applied 5 dabs of each on face near the jaw line. Spontaneous smiles from several women. In all cases it seems the smiles appeared even before I was in their field of vision. Definite pheromone reaction! Athena seems to bring out the best in quite a few pheromone molecules or mixes. I wonder why I never tried this combination before. In the past Athena has enhanced my Focus mix and CTTM+P83 mix. It doesn't seem to work with heavier mixes like A314 or any -none based mixes though.

Another great post by Michael I'd agree that LA isn't quite the best place to find a gaggle of high quality, intelligent women. They're definitely around, but not in as much abundance as outsiders might think. That said, I've got good news for you... and it has EVERYTHING where you live.... We are currently training our customers for free, in person, right on the Sunset Strip. 1 to 1. Personal attention, likely from Jasmin. Neil Strauss , the most famous pickup artist in the world, even tried to "sarge" Jasmin recently... so this is truly a great opportunity for you. Read about it here: Free pivot (female wingman): LA Area Quote:People always say you wont meet a good girl in a club or bar, but I cant agree since I consider myself a good guy and visit the same spots with the intention of meeting someone. The "home field" advantage is good (i.e., being familiar with where yo...

Post by Michael: some very interesting comments ...I think reactions become stronger and more POLAR when the synthetic pheromonal odor is obvious.... ...There's a big difference between what people respond to and what they'll admit it. That's why I like to observe actual behavior. It speaks volumes, and it speaks far more honestly than words, which people fudge in order to make themselves 'look good' or at least 'acceptable'.... When I've gone through periods of camping or whatever in my life, when I went without a shower... and my own bodily odor bothered me... I had mostly positive effects from others AFTER about the 4 day mark. I haven't done of that lately, but let me try to remember how my own BO works. First day, very little postives or negatives. Second day without showering, I'll usually smell a bit, and not get many positives either. Sometimes I will. It's a draw. Third day, especially if I'm not changing clo...

Best -none based mix: TE and Pheroproof

This has become my favorite attraction oriented mix now. Tested this mix approximately ten times so far and have seen mostly good reactions and atleast one very overt response in every trial. I was turned off from strong -none type products for quite some time but the first time I tried this mix few months back I was hooked. It has been very reliable so far. However, both are high -none products so this mix can't be used daily. The dosage is as follows: TE: max 1 spray from to-go bottle to back of neck, or 4 squirts of TE gel, or 2-3 dabs from small 4 ml bottle (which has a smaller mouth, so the dab size would be less than dabbing from the full bottle). Pheroproof: 1 to-go spray also to back of neck.

Day report 09/29/08: 3 drops A314

No softeners added. Nice respectful vibe. No abreactions. I definitely had some -none left over on my skin from weekend's experiments but there was no sign of avoidance from anyone or any other OD type reactions. This is a good dose for work. Applied some 'Bad boy' scent from LPP. I don't like the beginning note but as it evolves it becomes much more appealing. It's a strong scent so need to be careful not to apply too much. 2 swipes from the stick was more than enough to last all day. I will be using this more often. And btw I think I know what LPP's cover scent for 'Super sexy for men' (which is also sold without pheromones as 'UN') smells like: Blue Sugar. This smell is also very close to the smell of French Vanilla coffee.

Day report: 7 am: 3 to-go IG + 3 to-go ICM1b, 6 pm: 3 MX203, 10 pm: 2 IG

Applied the above mentioned combo at 7 am before heading out to work. Day went as usual, kind of a busy day but felt pretty relaxed. Applied 3 to-go MX203 later in the evening around 6 pm before heading out to the coffee house for my weekend testing and was surprised to see closed-off and dismissive reactions from women except for the barista. Applied 2 more to-go of IG around 10 pm and headed out for a drink. Bartender kept asking about the temporary drivers license and if I had another ID and asked me twice how old I was. Kind of unexpected to see that happen with IG but what the hell. Bartender and another woman seemed affected. One older guy sitting next to me kept trying to chat and make comments. I guess nothin really out of the ordinary.

Topical mood enhancer

The former oxycalm site now seems to have come back in a revamped form with some interesting innovations. P Seven Orange slow release mood enhancing formula AND P Seven Peppermint fast acting mood enhancing formula What is P-SEVEN? P-SEVEN is a topical mood enhancer. It also has immune and a metabolic acceleration effects. How does P-SEVEN work? It is rubbed into the skin. The advanced solution puts the 7-oxo-DHEA and Pregnenolone into the very skin itself. What exactly are the active ingredients 7-oxo-dhea and Pregnenolone? They are both neurosteroids which are naturally occurring chemicals in your body that are not hormonal. Pregnenolone, once inside your body, becomes one of many of the neurochemicals that are critical to mood balance and libido. 7-oxo-dhea is a form of DHEA that is not hormonal and does not convert to other hormones. What are the benefits of using P-SEVEN? Most users notice a fairly rapid onset of calm and a sense of tranqu...

Smile Steps: Practice good hygiene. If you've got bits of food stuck in your teeth, people may indeed say you have an infectious smile, but they might be talking about actual infections. It should go without saying, but regularly brushing your teeth and making sure your breath is fresh are prerequisites to a good smile. If your teeth are stained, visit the dentist for a polishing or use a whitening product, and take care of your lips to prevent chapping. When you smile people will inevitably look at your mouth, so following these considerations will help you make a better impression, and, more importantly, a healthy mouth will make you feel more confident about smiling. A smile lights up your face Get comfortable with smiling. Many people are a little nervous about smiling. They don't think their smile looks good, or they think that smiling makes them look unprofessional or vulnerable. It's true that a smile does show a little vulnerability, but tha...

09/20/08: Wearing ICM 1b + MX203 and dressed well: Great reactions

ICM1b is fast becoming one of my favorites. It hasn't beaten MX203 yet but I have had MX203 for much longer, so it's not a fair comparison. The differences so far: MX203 attracts attention from more number of women, even those that might have a significant other, which leads me to believe that a lot of those reactions might not lead to anything even if pursued. Many of those reactions are shown primarily because this mix makes THEM feel good and they are checking out the source, but this is not a feeling that has to be connected to a person (the wearer). Explains the lack of good reactions when used in a club type environment. ICM1b seems to be a little more conservative in its appeal and I think there might be a sorting going on between women who are single vs. women who are attached and only single women show more overt responses. Asian women seem to notice this signature quickly just like MX203. Yesterday report: I was wearing ICM1b + MX203 and noticed some smiles, looks etc...

Awesome reactions from one barista

Insane reaction for the past three weeks from one barista at the coffee shop where I go on weekends. These were the times when I was wearing MX203 mostly. I don't want to pursue it but it was a good confidence boost. After her blatant displays, seems like other baristas have started noticing me more too.

Good succinct description of mass spectrometry This is a special case of the analysis of any trace organic compound. The procedure for the isolation and identification of trace organic compoundsgenerally involves these steps:1. Concentration, 2. Separation & Classification (acid, base, or neutral),3. Identification (what substance), and 4. Quantification (how much). The concentration / separation is accomplished by one of three methods:[a.] liquid chromatography, [b.] selective absorption on macroreticularresins + selective elution (this is a special type of liquidchromatography), [c.] vapor phase chromatography. The classification step, where needed, is accomplished by selective elutionwith an acid, a base or a neutral eluent. This step is also sometimes useddirectly in conjunction with vapor phase chromatography which separates thecompounds according to volatility and absorption on a surface-treatedabsorbant substrate. The identification / quantification can be accom...

Some observations

Applying -none products to back of neck is the best for positive reactions. Taking beaks from showering leads to better reactions with pheromones. Leg exercises (jogging, sit-ups etc.) are the best to increase testosterone quickly and might also lead to better reactions in general. Shake alcohol products gently before use.

Day report 09/03/08: 2 A314 + 2 to-go MX203 + 1 to-go MX203

Applied 2 A314 to chest and 2 to-go sprays of MX203 around 7 am. Car rental guy was friendly and respectful as usual. Didn't meet anyone else in the morning. At lunch applied 1 more to-go of MX203 and noticed smiley older women (in their 50s or thereabouts) everywhere. Three times I turned to look in some direction and found a woman facing me with a smile already plastered. Younger women couldn't care less. Although checkout counter teen girl went giggly when her hand touched mine as she was giving me my change back.

3 drops WAGG: prom stories of 70 year old women

I wore 3 drops of Wagg to the bookstore last week. I was working on my laptop and noticed after some time that there was a group of four or five 70 year old women sitting behind me swapping prom stories, talking about first dance with a boy, how he was shy and they had to bring him out of his shell...and they seemed to be having a great time digging up those old memories. The waitress who is usually cold seemed more open. Some looks from other women. One black girl looked and smiled.

Supplementation regime planned

Zinc picolinate: 20 mg at night Copper : 2 mg in the morning Notes: Ratio of 10:1 works best for zinc:copper. Also they should be taken separately. Zinc is best absorbed in picolinate form. Zinc should not be taken at the same time as calcium (avoid milk) or copper, atleast 2 hrs difference required. Zinc leads to copper deficiency so copper supplementation is necessary. Copper is good for skin, hair and nails. Taking ZMA makes it difficult to monitor the ratio of Magnesium to Calcium which is best at (2:1 Calcium:Magnesium). L-Arginine : 500-2000 mg Notes: Pure form works best for overall benefits, not AKG. Arginine+Ornithine was a big dud as well. Need to cycle for continued benefits. Mucuna Pruriens (Hgh-Dopa) Notes: Best for Hgh, dopamine release, also reduces social anxiety (dopamine). Calcium: Magnesium: Phosphorus (1000:500:500 mg) Notes: Calcium is good for teeth and bones, but beats everything else in the race to absorption. Best taken alone but is okay to take with Magnesi...

Day report 08/25/08: 3 drops A314 + 1 xcite applied over Anti-bacterial

Today I tried my favorite combo after not noticing much with my previous trial at this new place. And today it shined again. Center of attention vibe in the shuttle in a group of 2 girls and 1 other guy. Everyone directing the conversation to me and me diffusing the conversation to entire group. This is another hallmark of when this mix clicks for me. Notice the use of anti-bacterial hand sanitizer all over body. Definitely prevented any conversion, no body odour even after 10 hrs.

zinc supplementation: post by MHarris Exercise, diet, nutritional supplemention, and even (for men, anyway) masturbation (which affects both your hormones and your drive), affect your social behaviors, your natural pheromone output, and thus, social outcomes. Zinc is a great supplement for men at night, and it won't screw you up like taking hormones will (provided that you compensate by taking copper in the morning, as zinc interferes with copper metabolism). ...ZMA (Basically, Zinc + Magnesium without ANY calcium to block the absorption of either), of course, makes you sleepier. Part of it's intention is to create better sleep cycle, with a more coherent brainwave pattern richer in delta waves. This then leads to greater testosterone and HGH release. The funny thing is, Magnesium itself doesn...

UV germ zapper to remove armpit bacteria

Armpit is really the best place for pheromone application as it is one of the warmest parts of human body and a natural location for pheromone production and dispersion. The only problem is conversion and breakdown caused by bacteria. I think germ killers like Purell might be good to use there if not for its chemical smell and the fact that it has high absorption risk.Now these UV germ zappers are becoming really popular. Its the gadget they use in hospitals to sterilize equipments and now it is available for personal use at low cost and has been proven to kill 99.9% of germs. ( ) Looks good to me but I wonder if it is effective against the strains of bacteria found in armpit..specially the corynebacterium strains..most responsible for the pheromone conversion and smell.I plan to purchase it soon and give it a try. Anyone else game for it?

New pheromone website This website seems to be from Chris Schraud (of Pharmacom fame)...the product line looks quite interesting! See a complete list here: Thanks for the information idle!

Day report 08/10/08: 1 to-go Focus mix

Applied 1 to-go spray of Focus mix. Went to a pizza place. I asked few questions to the counter guy but everytime the cute waitress girl would interrupt him and answer my questions. Nice hit. Waiter was also extra respectful. Service people react quite well to this mix as well.

Day report 08/08/08: 2 to-go MX203 + 1 to-go MX203 later

Applied 2 to-go sprays of MX203 around 7 am. Met an Indian lady half an hour after application but she might have been a little standoffish. I noticed its effects of making me articulate in meeting with my colleagues and boss. Applied 1 to-go spray around lunch and the reactiosn seemed to rise from both men and women. Only other time I have gotten such reactions at that place (context) is when I tried 4 to-go sprays of Focus mix. Met the same Indian lady again around 5 pm and noticed she was extremely friendly and talkative. I think MX203 needs a little heat and sweat to become active to affect other people. I felt hot during lunch when the reactions from others peaked. In the morning self effects were more evident.

Love Potions and Androtics

It seems that Androtics and Love Potions are working more closely than before. Noticed that there a wide range of Androtics products now available in LP scents, like TUTH, MX140, MX134, ISexi, TAA, TAF, P79, Mystery Boy etc.

Day report 07/29/08: 1 "old A314" + 25 mcg P83 + Athena + 1 CTTM

I forgot to write this report; notice that this is from an earlier date. There was good respectful attention from both men and women at the workplace. Everone quickly took notice and wanted to include me in the conversation. Huge contrast from what happened later the same week with other mixes. I should note that I used heavy -none in the evening of Wednesday and the worst responses followed for the next two days and could have been due to -none buildup.

Day report 08/01/08: 1 A314 + 2 Ammo

Many men and women overtly ignored me. That combination didn't work out so well. I think I have tried this combination other times with similar results. It doesn't make any sense. Went out with a friend late in the evening who is a natural charmer with people. Before leaving I applied 4 to-go sprays of Focus mix. Got quite a bit of attention from women but as soon as my friend started to talk and flirt like he always does with women he took away all attention from me. My friend is a thin bald guy with a paunch but is extremely comfortable around people and that just shows in the way he carries himself and people almost always react extremely well to him. It's a treat just watching him.

Day report 07/30/08: 3 sprays IG

Tried 3 sprays of IG in the morning and I was walking with a colleague when another female colleague called out "good morning gentlemen", well shouldn't read too much into it but it was a good start. She has earlier responded well to old A314 as well. Rest of the day I had a lot of conversations, mostly with guys. There was some alpha-shift towards me, but there was also a friendly tone. Conversations with an older woman had a respectful polite tone even though I wasn't able to answer any of her questions. Refreshed with 2 to-go sprays around 3 pm. One smiling female colleague immediately after application.

Back from my hiatus

Well, I am back and will start posting more regularly now. I received some mind blowing hits in the past few weeks with a mix but it requires more testing. My focus mix has fared well too with prominent hits being from hot German professor, a caucasian married woman and a hot colleague all in their 30s. Sadly, my old trusted combo of old A314 + xcite hasn't given me much in way of hits. I am curious to try out this combo with the A314 I recently bought.

Received my new order from Androtics

Tried one drop of A314 immediately and god man, Michael, how do you do it? The current A314 smells just perfect!! Its Akuto scented and has the right strength, just strong enough to cover the offensive pheromone smells. Yes, it's the best yet, first impression wise!! Still, need to see how it fares in performance. I still have some old A314 left, so to distinguish I will refer to the old A314 as "old A314" and new A314 as just A314 in my reports from now on. And, April, you rock too baby!!!

Day report 06/23/08: 1 A314 + 8 dabs Athena + 2 CTTM + 20 mcg P83

A314 rubbed all over neck, wrists and chest. Athena applied on face (2 of those dabs on upper lip, as I noticed from my earlier reports that Athena applied on upper lip seems to work best), CTTM and P83 applied in armpit (anti-perspirant applied). Covered with Chrome. Felt a bit woozy right after application, most likely due to armpit application, which throws a strong dose immediately. Asian women didn't hesitate to get close, arms touching, body touching in bus stop etc. Asian couple who are friends were comfortable and friendly. Calm environment.

Magnesium Glycinate for being more social: post by Visionary at l-s Hi BiosynthI dont think I have Autism but maybe ADD...the Magnesium Glycinate effect for me is more the Glycine than the Magnesium - the Magnesium seems to get the Glycine into my brain better - I have tried various other forms of Magnesium with no such results... on the other hand I have had similar experiences with other Glycine-related substances such as Dimethylglycine and Trimethylglycine... I just take 2 horsesize pills of either KAL or Carlson brand Magnesium Glycinate (400 mg Magnesium) at a time on an empty stomach just before I know Im gonna be chatting to a girl... I come across as more verbal, talkative and cool - Im pretty much sure of charming my target with the mones on as well (if she doesnt fall for me by then there will have been nothing more I could do)... the effect only lasts for like 1.5 hours though and sometimes it wont work, especially if another dose is taken only a few hou...

Visionary's day after hits post at l-s "...I often ODed with products like NPA/m and SOE/m trying to grab the attention of girls at clubs with limited success. What I remember is lets say I made applications at like 7 pm, 9.30 pm and midnight at clubs (OD applications of a one or two dabs of NPA at each time) and the next day at like between 1 and 3 pm I would have some major sexual hits happening from girls at work..." More in the thread linked above...

Day report 06/20/08: 1 MA314 + 8 dabs Athena + 1.5 CTTM + 25 mcg P83

MA314 applied behind ear and rubbed in front of neck and wrists. CTTM applied on hair. P83 applied on back of neck and chest. Athena applied on face. This combination has proved attractive in the past. Covered with UN. Attractive at the bus stop. Asian and caucasian women eyeing me a lot, preening, fixing their make-up etc. Very friendly reactions from guys. Conversation flowed easily. In the afternoon attraction signs from two other women, both caucasian, one at the cafetaria and other while walking outside. It didn't make everyone open though, some people remain closed off, dismissive, unperked or just blah to your presence....

Need to try MEO-EST with Focus mix

Tacitus and Jasmin has noted interesting erotic effects of MEO-EST when paired with TAF. I wonder what MEO-EST can add to the combined P79+TAF effect. Adding P88 should be interesting as well, since it also seems to belong to the focus category.

P79's respect effect has been reported earlier

I have been noticing this great respect effect with my focus mix plus excellent universal "notice me" responses. Yesterday applied 2 to-go sprays of Focus mix. In a restaurant a young boy, less than 5 yrs old, stopped and stared at me with his mouth open, jaw hanging for about half a minute before his mother pulled him away. Found this old post by Scottie2hottie "...I wore 20 mu to work today and the reactions from males was more along the lines of A314 than none. That is, some spacing and lots of respect . For example, my boss was fetching and hand delivering things for me...he only does this when I use A314. When I've worn none around him, he's kinda skittish around me and can have a tendency to throw his weight around, which is very out of character for this guy 'cause he's typically very outgoing, friendly and (dare I say it) bubbly. When I use A314 he can't ...

Day report 06/13/08: 1 Ammo

1 spray Ammo applied lower in the stomach under the undershirt. Excited chatty Asian couple friends. Typical -none jittery effect on me, irregular breathing etc. Applied 25 mcg P86 at 11 am Didn't create the same calming effect as before. It was probably overridden by -none. Mood is fine and even upbeat. Applied 2 to-go sprays Focus mix before heading to coffeehouse with my labmate. Barista mentioned before was giggly, a little uncharacteristic of her. No extra attention. Ammo smell has stayed till the end of evening, probably because I sprayed below undershirt.

Day report 06/12/08: 25 mcg P86

Applied to shoulders and neck. Chatty and feeling of extreme calm, like nothing can bother me. Sexual topics can be brought up but they fizzle out. Funny topics seem more interesting. Acting out funny dialogues, imitating actors etc seem more fun. Some attention from women. African american friend in her 20s waved very excitedly and was animatedly chatty. Exciting things are happening in her life, so that may be the reason as well. Woke up next morning with a song stuck in my head and couldn't stop humming all morning.

Day report 06/11/08: 12.5 mcg P83 + 12.5 mcg P86

My face expression is softer. Voice projection is good. No problem articulating. Reduced respect and attention. At 4 pm added 12.5 mcg each of P83 and P86 Increased desire in self to chat. Muscles felt loose right after application but became fine later. Very calm mood, like all is well, all worries gone. Breathing is very regular and slow. Body movements are slow. Nothing excites. Very anti-sexual. The effect lasted even until next morning. This might be a P86 effect.

Day report 06/10/08: 2 drops A314 + 30 mcg P86

No attention at the bus stop. Professor wanted to chat. New female student accompanying him butted in our conversation (showed an impulse to chat), said bye when I left (never met her before). Professor asked about my salary??? Two Indian girls in the friends lab smiled in a pleasant way. I am feeling a huge impulse to blab about just anything with my labmates. Noticed this impulse to chat with P86 in an earlier trial as well. Its really noticeable on me today.

Day report 06/09/08: 10 drops Athena + 2 to-go CTTM + 15 mcg P83

Applied that in the morning. Athena was applied to the head and it was overwhelming. The smell irritated my nose all day. Some attraction at the bus-stop, mostly chinese women. In the afternoon just before heading to the coffee shop added 3 to-go sprays Focus mix. The caucasian woman from the previous post went DIHL. Barista was nicer and more pleasant than usual. Some other looks from caucasian women. Many guys were affected as well and kept looking and staring. One bodybuilder type guy went DIHL. This mix does attract attention, no doubt about it and keeps them focussed a while. But just like all the other pheromone mixes in the world it won't attract everyone. I know its working for me because subconciously I keep reaching for it, like today when I planned to test something else, still end up using this mix in the afternoon. I think with the addition of few other pheromones it will be THE BEST for daytime mixes without any -none. If anyone is reading they should give it a whirl...

Day report 06/07/08: 3 to go Focus mix

Asian waiter was surprisingly extra respectful, while in an earlier encounter I thought him to be egregiously rude. Old Indian couple were staring and started chatting with me. Asian girl labmate is in a fun and flirty mood. While driving at the stop sign a pretty girl from next car smiled, all our windows open (its hot but breezy) In the coffee house all the guys' eyes on me Women sitting outside kept looking at me when I was inside, separated by a glass door? So, time to note my dress again :-) white casual shirt, checkered gray pants. And its been 2 weeks since that special routine, I won't tell what just yet until I clearly see palpable observable changes in myself. Its something I have highest hopes for towards reinventing my look.

Day report 06/06/08: 3 1/2 sprays of to-go Focus mix

Again proved to be an incredible attention generator in the morning. Caucasian woman, 30, at the bus stop kept glancing at me and preening. Black woman, 20s, at the bus stop also kept looking and seemed aware. Asian women, 20-30s, showed their usual positive reactions of notice with this mix. Guys were friendly and attentive. Lunch time, no refresh Group of Korean women, 20s, at the next table paid no attention to me. Felt that the white woman, 20s, at the next table was constantly looking, but averted eye contact whenever I tried to confirm. Another caucasian woman, 20s, stared from far with a faint smile. Waitress, 30s, didn't seem much affected. Didn't feel too chatty. Evening, around 6 pm Attention and respect vibe while sitting alone outside coffee house (one over helpful store owner, guy, 50s) Two young caucasian women, teens, looking at me and smiling with lowered heads Hot Caucasian/middle eastern woman, 30s, who always looks at me was mowing me with her eyes Indian wo...

Day report 06/05/08: 3 to-go Charisma mix + 2 to-go CTTM + 8 dabs Athena (+ 1 drop of TE at 12 pm)

Note that I further diluted my Athena mix, so I am using almost twice my earlier dosage. Athena and CTTM applied on face. 3 sprays of Charisma mix applied to back and front of neck and chest, rubbed on wrists. Charisma mix is P74+TAL+TAH at 2:1:1. I am more talkative than usual. Women are comfortable, but no looks or extra attention. Normal levels of friendliness from guys. Added 1 drop of TE around 12 pm.

Day report 06/03/08: 1 spray MX201 to back of neck

That's 12.5 mcg of P93 in neroli. Covered with Fierce. Hair flips from a caucasian woman, late 20s, 15 mins after application. Feeling calm. Catching attention from guys, 2 hrs after application. Older women (50s) are smiley, 1 hr after application. Some attention from women in their 30s, 2 hrs after application. Much more attention from Indian men and women even 6-8 hrs after application. Nurse at the dentist office was extremely friendly, gave lots of IOIs, 6 hrs after application. Respect signs from dentist (indirect compliments about me to his support staff) .

Day report 06/02/08: 2 sprays Focus mix + 8 dabs Athena

Distinct respect signals: Older distinguished professor smiling at me. Older women acknowledging me more. Some attention from younger women. One cute and sexy redhead. One girl invited me to her birthday party. I don't know her from before. I was talking to my friend, she came to invite him and said to me"I have seen you around. Do you want to come to my birthday party?" Feeling of more attention in general.

Phero profiler: Software to gauge your natural pheromone output

I have been working on creating the phero profiler which can be used to gauge the natural pheromone levels of the user. I have decided to release this software so that more people can benefit from it. Basically, this software asks you several questions, for example, age, height, weight, social life etc (total of 30 questions) and tries to gauge the levels of your natural pheromone output. These questions are very similar to the ones that we ask to newbies in the introduction section at Pherotalk. The results from this software can be then used to decide/suggest the pheromone products that would suit the user best. Currently the software only calculates the levels of three most common molecules Androstenol, Androsterone and Androstenone. *Note* Note that your "instantaneous" pheromone profile is variable and depends on your immediate surrounding, mood, health state and a lot of other factors. However your average overall pheromone profile remains quite consistent. This softwar...

Futurist's posts from the development phase of Pheroproof (MX101)

Saturday, October 15, 2005 I've discovered a mix that is absolutely wonderful. Completely raises the social interaction of those around you; they're open, friendly, having fun, laughing.And, you feel greatttttttttt...................Of course, most importantly, this mix has the SEXUAL HEAT that a social, fun mix almost always has. This has sexual and social benefits, at a high level. Sunday, October 23, 2005 Things for the mix I'm developing are really coming together. I used this three days in a row and got good results.You can tell it's working by the way women look at you. I think it brings real good game to the user as well. Confident, with a nice level of aggressiveness, but also laid back as well. I guess it ain't easy to describe but it just works. Doesn't scare women too. At this point I want to continue testing for consistency. Test at different concentrations. Also, I want to test using fragrance industry diffusion technology. I'll also see if I wa...

Pheragel: New pheromone product

Saw a new pheromone product being advertised on net called Pheragel It doesn't mention its constituent pheromones anywhere that I could find. However one interestin piece of information was "...Pheragel is the only pheromone product available today that utilizes a breakthrough in Pheromone transport technology called Pherosomes. These tiny spheres contain all of the active pheromonal compounds in a safe, chemically stable carrier. Combine this with our carefully selected, photo resistant packaging, and this means that when you apply Pheragel, you are getting 100% active pheromone technology. With Pherosomes, Pheragel lasts longer, significantly longer, than most cologne based pheromonal products. A single application of Pheragel in the morning will provide powerful sexual attraction all day long...." It could all be just a load of bullshit to cheat gullible buyers though!

Day report 05/22/08: 3 drops SSFM

Wanted to try a combination with A314, but accidentally picked SSFM since I transferred it to the A314 bottle. So its SSFM day instead. One older (60s), very attractive woman was looking at me and smiled when our eyes met. Some attention from others, nothing too overt. Guys are friendly. Mood is even, a little upbeat for such a rainy day. Labmate is in a fun and friendly mood, laughing and joking. Received more direct eye contacts around evening (6 pm).

Michael on Pherlure: it might contain TAL Lots of androstenone like effects from perhaps a little over half the respondents using Pherlure. On the other hand, some seem to get anything but a -none like effect. I think they change what's in the bottle quite often, since I've seen reports of the smell change quite a bit, as well. The bottle of Pherlure I have is weak smelling, with a dirty, almost an ass-like note. It also makes my nose twitch, like like Molecule L (TAL), but I dount they use that since it's a very obscure, expensive molecule. Perhaps it's related to that, though. In the same family. My nose doesn't twitch at many molecules, so it's an interesting thing to note. (try to see if yours twiches to Pherlure and Molecule L) I'm talking about my bottle, of course. Sounds like yours is different, both smell and pheromone wise.

Read this post and you will know why I miss Michael posting on Pherotalk so much!!

Such a simple post really talking about Ammo, but really loaded if you think about it, here goes... Actually, yes... Good call!Men do indeed tend to prefer things they can OD on. It just so happens that Ammo v1.0 has a much higher degree of OD potential than v1.5. Who woulda "thunk" it? The operating perceptual paradigm of most men, is that if they can generate a negative result, it's "real", and it's the "fault" of some outside factor (the pheromones). Overly positive results tend to be either ignored, or attributed to oneself. On the other hand, women are often plenty happy to attribute social effects (even attraction) to to something outside of themselves -- new pair of shoes some makeup, or, yes, a pheromone formula. Despite being called the less logical sex by some, they actually seem far more objective (and practical minded!) about ...

Now I have a full bottle of MX203

I bought 4 more to-go bottles of MX203 recently (and got a free to-go MX201 as well, thanks guys ;-)). I transferred all my MX203 from to-go bottles to an empty 30 ml bottle. Its one of my favorite MXs and I love that its so reliable for public speaking. I am curious about the dosages of its constituents and since a lot of people have requested to know its formula I think it might be revealed soon. As I mentioned at Pherotalk, I am much more interested in knowing how Michael decides, for example, how much TAA and Anol to put in with a certain dose of a relatively new and untested molecule like P93; in short I want to get inside Michael brain and look around...

Love potions "super sexy for men"

I had ordered LP SSFM few days back and it arrived yesterday. They sent free samples of "UN" (which is the same scent as SSFM but without pheromones) and "Bad Boy". Tried UN and Bad Boy yesterday on separate wrists while alone in the house. UN lasted for more than 12 hrs when sniffed close to application point. Bad boy probably got washed off. Bad boy has a certain maple, resin, cherry, smoky smell which definitely becomes more smoky with time (something like the faint smell that stays on leather jackets if you smoke). I didn't like the initial smell but liked it more as it got to the smoky part. UN was much better from begining and seems strong enough to cover pheromones. Today morning tried 3 drops of SSFM (I transferred it to an empty A314 bottle; which reminds me its time to get some more A314 soon, as I am down to 1/3 rd of my last bottle). Received overtly friendly responses from guys. Met the girl, had a small argument, and later she invited me for sex. ...

Mix calculator installation issues: example resolution

Following is an extract of my conversation with a Pherotalk member (hope its alright with him that I am posting it here, personal details removed ofcourse) regarding the installation of mix calculator during its trial. Hope it helps people who are having problems with office2007 or office 2000 installations. Here is the information he sent regarding the problem: First attempt was on my asus eee which I have recently (2 weeks ago) installed Windows XP SP2, Office 11, and .NET framework 3.0. It gave me the following errors: I am attributing the error to having only .NET 3.0. I thought they might have been backwards compatible or something. I’ll try installing .NET 2.0 from the redistributable package later. On my other PC, the error was different (probably due to my Office 2007 installation) I’ll try adding the Office 2003 components later and see what happens. Later he was able to fix it as he mentions below: Just wanted to let you know I’ve been able to get the mix calculator runni...

Mix calculator 3.0: software for calculations to create your own mixes

I have decided to share my mix calculator with everyone who wants to create their own mixes but finds the maths a bit too involved and is looking for a software to make the calculations easier. I shared this calculator with few members at Pherotalk earlier and received good feedback. I am pretty satisfied with its performance and think its error-free and very easy to use. Here is the link for download. After downloading, please unzip the folder and run the "setup.exe" file which will install it in your program directory. Now start the mix calculator from your list of programs in the start menu. If it gives any error when starting, then check the file "Other files needed.txt" in the unzipped folder. This file gives links to two microsoft downloads, one for Dot net 2.0 framework and other for Office11 web components. These are probably missing from your computer so you will need to download these fi...