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Michael on Pherlure: it might contain TAL

Lots of androstenone like effects from perhaps a little over half the respondents using Pherlure.
On the other hand, some seem to get anything but a -none like effect. I think they change what's in the bottle quite often, since I've seen reports of the smell change quite a bit, as well.

The bottle of Pherlure I have is weak smelling, with a dirty, almost an ass-like note. It also makes my nose twitch, like like Molecule L (TAL), but I dount they use that since it's a very obscure, expensive molecule. Perhaps it's related to that, though. In the same family. My nose doesn't twitch at many molecules, so it's an interesting thing to note. (try to see if yours twiches to Pherlure and Molecule L)

I'm talking about my bottle, of course. Sounds like yours is different, both smell and pheromone wise.
