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Showing posts from June, 2009

Residual -none is the best

-none is working great for me in small doses. It works especially well when it has matured on my skin. I should bottle my sweat, so I could spray it on over -none products. I wonder if that will work the same as matured -none on my skin. Also JB#1 is great with IH2x. For rapport building 1 spray IH2x over a base of -none is enough. Tried 1 drop JB#1 and sprayed 1 to-go IH2x over it and had some great conversations with colleagues.

Observations (reiterating...)

For getting attention, respect from service people, openness from women Mix: MEO-EST: 100 mcg P79: 10 mcg TAF: 10 mcg Male camaraderie: 1 to-go Ammo 4 ICM1b 2 MX203 1-2 MX226 1-2 MX101 15 mcg P86 in combination with A314 gets attention from women, without A314 it doesn't seem to do much. Same with P83 (although P83 also works with CTTM + Athena, or with IS).

1 spray MX292 before evening out : compliments from the waitress

So, day before yesterday I applied 2 drops A314 + 1 drop PI in the morning, but didn't notice any extreme reaction. I realize that the -none must have lasted to the next day. Next day in the evening, around 36 hrs after A314+PI application, used 1 to-go MX292 and went out with my girl for a walk, drinks and dessert. The waitress was very chatty with me and even stopped at the end of the night before we were about to leave to say that there are not too many guys around who would treat their girlfriend like I do and she just wanted to let me know that. (**but they do work on tips**) Needless to say the waitress got a hefty tip and my girl was very impressed and happy.

Day after -none: Good results

So, I most likely had quite a -none buildup from last week's -none usage, people were avoiding eye contact and generally giving more attention to my hot girl. I hated that, as I am an attention whore. But today evening, all of a sudden there was quite a bit of eye contact and smiles thrown my way. I had noticed similar reactions after few days of being down with common cold and not showering during that period. There is no pheromone product that you can just spray and get these sort of reactions. There are so many variables to consider and everyone's chemistry is just so different that making one magic product for everyone is virtually impossible. Best option is to make a product that after marinating on the user's skin and being chowed down by skin bacteria, individualizes the pheromone signature and makes the user attractive. After many years of pheromone usage I still remain slightly disappointed by the lack of consistency.