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Mix calculator installation issues: example resolution

Following is an extract of my conversation with a Pherotalk member (hope its alright with him that I am posting it here, personal details removed ofcourse) regarding the installation of mix calculator during its trial. Hope it helps people who are having problems with office2007 or office 2000 installations.
Here is the information he sent regarding the problem:

First attempt was on my asus eee which I have recently (2 weeks ago) installed Windows XP SP2, Office 11, and .NET framework 3.0. It gave me the following errors:

I am attributing the error to having only .NET 3.0. I thought they might have been backwards compatible or something. I’ll try installing .NET 2.0 from the redistributable package later.

On my other PC, the error was different (probably due to my Office 2007 installation)
I’ll try adding the Office 2003 components later and see what happens.

Later he was able to fix it as he mentions below:

Just wanted to let you know I’ve been able to get the mix calculator running on one of my PC’s. It already had .NET 2.0 on it, just had to add the office web components. I was a bit worried the office 2003 components would affect my Office 2007 install, but so far so good.
