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Posts by a.k.a on PF at ls

PF: Vastly underrated IMO. Not big in the hit department, but perfect for seduction. This stuff is like a magic spell that weaves itself on a girl as you carry on a normal conversation. Before she knows it, she’s giddy with excitement over you. Not to mention it’s a great mood elevator and seemingly impossible to get a bad OD out of.

Xcite: Good stuff. Just like PF only handier and more potent. Too bad about the price.

There are several safe options: one Xcite wipe OR 4-5 dabs of PF OR 3-4 swipes of SOE (let the smell of the cologne be your guide).

NPA gets loads of hits, but I’ve gotten more dates with APC. SOE gets almost no hits, but it’s given me more wild encounters than JB#1. PF gets almost no hits, but I scored every time I wore it on a first date.

1A1: 2 PF: just a touch SPMO (3-4 small dabs) - This formula is still in its experimental phase, but initial results are promising. Everybody is generally upbeat and friendly, and on several occasions I’ve had girls give me this long, dreamy look — like when women “fall in love” in Hollywood movies.

I’ve never worn PF around my gf, and it’s been months since I’ve worn it alone. When I did, results during the first 5-10 minutes were exceptional. Lots of looks and smiles. After that, no obvious hits (except from asian girls), but women still seemed very receptive and tended to open up — telling me personal details about their lives when they barely knew me. So I’d say it’s good stuff for building trust and rapport. Also my last gf enjoyed it as a sex stimulant.

PF - still the best phero buzz I’ve ever experienced

Love means different things to different people.I think all pheromones go a long way towards imprinting you in a woman’s mind, and most make her feel sexy when you’re around. Some mixes evoke trust and can make women feel more secure around you (eg AE, SOE). A1 can smooth out interpersonal tensions and lift spirits. PF can evoke intimacy. And the right combo can make you quite addictive to most women.

PF = Pheromol Factor. And older product. Way underrated IMO.

SOE and Chikara are both good for socializing. But neither one seems to evoke the same kind of intimacy. I think PF is quite unique.

On second thought. If you wear SOE AND get the girl drunk, that's pretty close to the effect of PF.

You can also create a very fun and sexually charged atmosphere by combining with The Edge. I get best results with a spray of TE between the wrists and 3 drops of PF on my neck.

About the effects of Androstenol vs Androstenone. I’m currently in a relationship, and we met shortly after PF came out. So most of my “hard” evidence (pun kind-of intended) is with Androstenone. Every girl I ever dated, since using pheros, was “hooked” by either APC of PI. PF is rumored to have lots of androstenol.

If this is true, I could confirm what you said about “pillow talk” and overdosage. Four drops get the desired effect, but even twelve drops get a good reaction (girls become goofy and talkative). Also, my best first dates (not just in terms of getting lucky, but having fun, great conversation, and no stress) have been with PF.

As far as hits go, PF (even at high doses) doesn’t seem to get me the kind of attention that pure androstenone, or androstenone rich formulas do. On the other hand, I feel I can get almost any girl to talk intimately about herself while wearing the stuff.My impression is that androstenone is a more potent aphrodisiac, while androstenol is more of a mood enhancer.

About phero minimalism... My impression is that your findings represent the apex, in terms of getting hits — any more, or any less, and the quantity of hits drops off. At slightly higher doses, the hits that I get seem to be more intense however: DIHL, blushing, and some very suggestive body language.
