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Day report 06/20/08: 1 MA314 + 8 dabs Athena + 1.5 CTTM + 25 mcg P83

MA314 applied behind ear and rubbed in front of neck and wrists. CTTM applied on hair. P83 applied on back of neck and chest. Athena applied on face. This combination has proved attractive in the past. Covered with UN.

Attractive at the bus stop. Asian and caucasian women eyeing me a lot, preening, fixing their make-up etc. Very friendly reactions from guys. Conversation flowed easily.

In the afternoon attraction signs from two other women, both caucasian, one at the cafetaria and other while walking outside. It didn't make everyone open though, some people remain closed off, dismissive, unperked or just blah to your presence....
