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Supplementation regime planned

Zinc picolinate: 20 mg at night

Copper: 2 mg in the morning

Notes: Ratio of 10:1 works best for zinc:copper. Also they should be taken separately. Zinc is best absorbed in picolinate form. Zinc should not be taken at the same time as calcium (avoid milk) or copper, atleast 2 hrs difference required. Zinc leads to copper deficiency so copper supplementation is necessary. Copper is good for skin, hair and nails. Taking ZMA makes it difficult to monitor the ratio of Magnesium to Calcium which is best at (2:1 Calcium:Magnesium).

L-Arginine: 500-2000 mg

Notes: Pure form works best for overall benefits, not AKG. Arginine+Ornithine was a big dud as well. Need to cycle for continued benefits.

Mucuna Pruriens (Hgh-Dopa)

Notes: Best for Hgh, dopamine release, also reduces social anxiety (dopamine).

Calcium: Magnesium: Phosphorus (1000:500:500 mg)

Notes: Calcium is good for teeth and bones, but beats everything else in the race to absorption. Best taken alone but is okay to take with Magnesium and works best at 2:1 ratio. Magnesium is good for heart and regulates breathing.


Notes: The single most effective supplement for anything ever.


Notes: Natural food, lots of minerals, includes chlorophyll which is good for improving all kinds of body odour.
