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Showing posts from January, 2008

Day report 01/31/08: 3 MA314 + 2 drops TE + 7 drops PF + 15 mcg P83 + 5 dabs of Athena on face

Except Athena, rest of the mix was on chest and upper neck. Absolutely no eye contact from any women anywhere while walking out (they immediately lowered their eyes when passing me) but those I talked to responded very well. I had kind of an important day. She is probably around 50 yrs old, at the director level, reponded very positively, gave me plenty of compliments saying I was a natural leader etc. She really opened up, she is usually friendly, but this time the topics ranged from menstruation to man-woman dynamics to contacts at top research facilities, invitations for me to give seminars and many tips etc. She revealed her weaknesses in socializing and making small talks. Even hugged me at the end which was surprising, even though she is well assimilated in western culture. Some Korean women stopped talking in the next table and just stared at me awe-struck when I started talking to some acquaintances at another table. Very professional undertone, not attraction oriented, althoug...

Putative summary by Tacitus P83 has the feel of the P74, and a cousin to P86, friendly approachable, endorphin gentleness to it... sort of belly rub nature... So far the P series is like: P74P83P86 Where P74 is the most social, P86 seems to be more personal skin/tactile and P83 may fall in between... the mind runs smoothly and efficiently on P83, and I make fewer typo mistakes, even when writing long things... so it isn't like a ga-ga experience.... P86 made the surfaces of the physical world more enticing... I would suppose there is some part of the brain that wants to explore the environment that is triggered by this, weigh things, sense their texture, and P83 might be closer to storytelling at the end of the day... P88P78 can be strange, but useful perception or identity shifters, sometimes an odd energy that is more novel than immediately useful, but in the right amounts might also add a level of comprehensi...

P88 posts As for P88 ... the shite rocks, mon.... imagine a pheromone as romantique as Alpha Androstenol with the kick of concentrate -none ... I spray 3 squirts of 10 mu onto a paper towel and inhale deeply.... blam, pow, shazzam.... I am instantly in love... with... nothing in particular... sitting here in my office... but everything I think of, my ex girlfriend, the dog... everything is uplifted and positive, unlike Alpha Androstenol I'm a touch juiced up, a la -none, without the pissy edge on -none.... sort of.... welll.... like a low key orgasm ? Or like part of the mental activity of a low key orgasm ? Yeah... like that... like an orgasm has some autonomic intensity, some push to it, but also filled with these glowy hypnotic swimming sensations.... not what has Harris gotten into with this ? I have a fan blowing acroos the desk on which sits the paper towel squirted with the P8...

Mix #3

First day 01/29/08: 3 sprays mixed with monolaurin gel. Applied monolaurin gel first on entire upper neck then while wet sprayed the mix and then spread it all over neck and jaw and upper chest. I don't want to engage in conversation and feel a little anti-social. Also there seems to be a little distance from my asian labmate...she seems tense, rigid and conversation lacks connection. In the gym two caucasian women were strongly affected. The asian girl at the counter smiled when our eyes met. Later in the evening, while standing outside the building (it was slightly dark) one caucasian girl held eye contact, smiled (I smiled back), her expression showed definite attraction! This may be a good club mix, but not very good for daytime use.

My blog is number one pheromone blog in google search.

It was about time dammit ;) If you search for "pheromone blog" in google, my blog shows up at number one position right above some marketing crap blog. Thanks to everyone who visited and added to the hits! Let me know if I can help you with any mixing problems :)

Test mix #2

First day 01/28/08: 3 sprays. Grabbing attention. More eye contact. Good conversation with friend. Some people maintained distance. Added 1 more spray around 3 pm. Good reactions at Starbucks. More IOIs from Indian and Spanish women, few from Asian and Caucasian women, no abreactions!

Pheromone effect stealing: Post by Jojobiz at Pherotalk I have experienced this quite a few times that I'm really careful about what kind of social situations I insert myself into. the consistency of this 'transference' happening is quite high that I've concluded the following: if you wear pheromones, whether -none heavy type or -Androstenol heavy type or balanced or whatever, and you enter a social situation where there are other alphas present, if you don't act as alpha or more alpha than them they WILL STEAL YOUR PHEROMONE CLOUD AND BENEFIT from it, leaving you in the dust. men or women CANNOT, I repeat, cannot distinguish the source of the pheromone cloud in close proximity and will attribute it to the individual exhibiting the closest matching behavior. hell, even AFOG (alpha female of the group)can steal a pheromone cloud just as fast as an AMOG. one example is when I went to dinner with my gf and her s...

An asian woman's perspective: Post by sugarspice at Pherotalk I'm an asian female. Yes pheros work. I dont know which ones though. When I meet a guy and dance close enough to smell him, some smell like your boyfriend and some smell like your friends. And some make you want to get the heck away. Colonges with -none smell like a man. Which I don't have a problem with. A man's man always gets the womans attention whether he can hold a convo or not. Sometimes talking too much puts you in the friends category, not neccessarily lovers category. But deep convo really affects the psyche in a mad passionate kind of way. For that Instant Honesty helps. Beforwarned, guys who are too chatty are usually great best friends, sometimes because he appears gay. Just to let you know, every feminine woman wants an alpha man first, at least on the physical level. The beta male is who she eventually "logically" wants to nest with. Masculine women...

Test mix #1

First day 01/25/08: Many guys got very close while talking and walking, so definite personal space reduction. Some women turned their heads to look. Older women behaved friendly and smiley. No tension, very calm feeling, no alpha posturing from anyone! Some women gave curious looks. Most women I encountered were very comfortable and friendly. Probably a good mix when dealing with women. Also made me and some people I met want to talk more. I have stuff for 2 more days of testing, let's see how that goes!

MEO-EST: The only thing I want to clean is my pipe

There were a lot of earlier reports saying MEO-EST might be triggering cleaning instincts in the user. On me, the self effect was very sexual, but it was more physical rather than mental. I was sleeping alone, but the night was intense and I kept getting erection all night long which brought sexual thoughts in my mind, so strangely the effect was other way around. Don't even ask me about the vivid dreams I had! It smells very much like my sweat, which is also strange. The first time I tried it my friend (girl) asked me if I was hot and sweating. So it definitely needs to be covered well. I can see how it might be very effective when used by a woman. I need to explore it more to see the best way for me to use it. Nevertheless I think it's a very effective molecule!

Mix calculator used for Steveo's P83 based mix

Now my mix calculator can calculate if you want to mix using sprays or by measuring quantities (ml). You can set the error to any percent, the default is zero (i.e. it looks for the combination which gives exactly the output you desire). Also now you can use sprays from different output bottles since every user has some components in 5 ml bottle (0.125 ml/spray) or 30 ml bottle (0.15 ml/spray). Now I am satisfied with it as it is flexible enough for any mixing possibilties. If someone wants to mix up Steveo's P83 based mix, here is what they need to mix in a to-go bottle, assuming they have all the components and pure alcohol in a to-go bottle:

MA314 (2 drops) + 1 xcite wipe + 2 to-go sprays MX203: Absolutely fantastic teaching experience

Seriously I have never taught so well. Students were riveted. Confidence and voice projection were awesome...seriously! I was shocked at the voice that came out when I started talking in class. Undivided attention, no sleepy inattentive students, no chattering among themselves. I must admit that I was prepared and it's basic stuff but I am always prepared and it never felt so good. I thought I could go on teaching. In the afternoon: added 2 more sprays of MX203, no obvious attraction signs in coffee house or elsewhere but it definitely affected some asian women in a positive way. Wtf happened to my magic A314+xcite? Did MX203 spoil it a bit?

Mix calculator

Sample problem and solution obtained using my mix calculator Problem description: Post #8 in TAA 4 mcg per spray (10mcg bottle) B-Androstenol 5 mcg per spray (10mcg bottle) P93 3 mcg per spray (10mcg bottle) P74 5 mcg per spray (10mcg bottle) None 5 mcg per spray (10mcg bottle) TAH 5 mcg per spray (7.5mcg bottle) Mix calculator steps: Step 1: Enter number of components to the mix in the text box, in this case it happens to be 6. Press "Input number of components" button. Step 2: Enter the "component names", "available mcg/spray" and "desired mcg/spray" of each component in columns A, B and C respectively starting from row 2. Step 3: Press "Calculate" button to obtain the solution. Solution is displayed in columns "D" and "E" showing the "sprays required" and "mls required' respectiv...

Nice mix from Pheroquirk MX101 plays very nicely with P83 . I like a combo of 1 drop A314 , 25mcg P83 , 2 sprays MX101 and 25mcg P74 . Mellow mix to wear around the neighbourhood. Random people and shopkeepers I know vaguely look at you, acknowledge you and smile. (This doesn't really happen in the heart of Central London).

MX203: Effect is much noticeable when indoors and people are not moving

...well that is true for all pheros, but MX203 is effective! Applied 3 sprays in the morning around 9 am and 1 spray around 11 am. In the class at 1 pm every student was just blankly staring at me after the short exam at the begining, normally they would look at the professor and wait for instructions. Made me very self conscious...I even checked my zipper as I noticed many women looking there. Asian girl in lab is also very friendly, and flirty. She was in a bad mood intially and was about to start complaining about a small tiff we had yesterday but immediately changed...probably that P93 at work here! My mood is great, also very confident and articulate. Guys are responding well too. Feels a lot like Instant Shine, not surprising since it does contain a lot of TAA. Another Asian lady in my friends lab started conversation in the elevator, normally we will just stand after saying hello. Caught some African women staring as well. Asian guy roommate was also pleasant and friendly. Other...

Pheros has incredible effect on men

Dumped the CTTM experiment...too predictable! So tried Pheros, the cologne by DST. Applied quite heavy in the morning and reapplied around 1 pm. Noticed a euphoric feeling after second application and met some guys around 5-6 pm 8 hrs after first application, 2-3 hrs after second application and all of their faces lit up like a million light bulbs on seeing me.

Hits for the busy pheromone user

I don't have time to engage everyone I meet to determine if my mix is causing an effect on them. The hits I like are more that appear in smiles, looks, hair flips, proximity and "them engaging me in short conversation". My soap-free experimentation gave me some of that and there have been some days with some mixes which give me that as well. But nothing is as consistent as I would like. Right now I don't care about most other types of hits, not looking to find out if they would like to hang out later or have sex with me, or offer me a job or raise or even be close friends. If you are not looking for these things and time is at a premium then how to increase the frequency of those other type of hits that I mentioned in the first paragraph.

Day report 01/14/08: Athena + CTTM is a nice mix

Today applied 3-4 dabs of Athena on chin and upper lip and 2 sprays of CTTM (one on each shoulder). I was quite surprised with the extra attention and nice level of respect in interaction with the new professor and other immediate reactions of notice. Lets call this week the CTTM+Athena week. I will be trying various dosages of CTTM keeping the Athena at a constant level of 3-4 dabs. Day end: Boy it was good! Experiences in the coffee house were a testament to that. Athena helps but I think a lot of it was CTTM. Such a simple mix but is more attractive (and to me more preferable) than IO or IH. No one hesitates to catch and hold eye contact. No one is intimidated or shy!

1 dab of Athena solution on upper lip

3 hrs after application, at the phone store the hot sales clerk was super friendly, came out of her circular booth to show me phones; never seen that behavior before with me or any of my friends, also looking into my eye, leaning very close etc. I went back there after a short while with my friend (girl) to make the final selection and it was a total shift in behavior, only courteous short remarks. She was definitely attracted before and seeing the girl with me may have been the reason for her changed behavior. Some other attraction signs at the mall, although not one of those grab attention days.

Trying Athena

I guess I had to try it sometime. What better time than before leaving school, right? The package arrived within two days of placing the order, contains the pheromone bottle, funnel, instructions and ad copy. The recommended mixing range is 1 Athena bottle in 2-3 oz of aftershave. I went with 2 oz of aftershave, since I read reports of it not being concentrated enough. Today morning the spanish labmate reacted positively almost immediately and more looks and smiles from her through the day. Asian labmate was a teensy bit standoffish. At the bus stop a group of asian guys and girls turned their heads simulataneously when I reached there and kept looking until I said Hi. They might be new students. At the restaurant the asian girl with me was engaged in conversation by the lady who runs the business and they were talking in their own language, which I don't understand, so I was completely excluded from the conversation. This has happened other times as well but today it went on for a...

Day report 01/05/08

I have decided to delete this post since I was quoting a very weird line. She is very internet savvy and I don't want to get caught. Bottomline is I have to put a stop before my other fledgling relationship goes sour or I end up doing something stupid. I am itching to get back to my pheros. A314+xcite here I come!

Past week report 12/29/07-01/04/08

I am off pheromones for quite some time now and using no-soap-shower routine with eye opening results. My strangest fantasy has come true in the most bizzare way. The asian girl from December 25th post said that she likes me. I had earlier told her that I don't want a girlfriend. Yesterday she told me that she doesn't want a boyfriend either and just wants to have sex with me. Inspite of suggestions from pherotalk members I went phero-free, because I was really intrigued by my phero-free no-soap results. I had to calm her down a bit and said not to feel bad about it and that it might not be the best thing for her to do either. Later she admitted that even though she had boyfriends before she is still a virgin. Noticed some confrontational behavior from few women but overall the mood around me has been great with lots of friendliness from men and women. My head hair has developed a strange smell, it comes within hours after shower with warm water and even after LEF shampoo...