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Showing posts from December, 2008


I thought this was a (relatively) new molecule, but noticed that even Dr. Dodd has published a paper on it, although not as first author, way back in 1983. Skin Conductance and Subjective Assessments Associated with the Odour of Androstanone: S Van Toller, M Kirk-Smith, N Wood, J Lombard & G H Dodd, Biol. Psychology 16, 85-107 (1983) Now I think I can explain why I have noticed some similar effects between MX203 and xcite. I suspect Androstanone may be one of the common molecules.


I think I have a good guess on what TAA and TAC might be. Well TAC wasn't really hard to guess...but TAA had been elusive until I read one of Tacitus' old post. So, here goes... TAA = alpha-androstadienol TAC = beta-androstadienol

Day report 12/27/08: 1 to-go MX203 on back of neck

Received quite a few reactions of notice from many women and a smile from the new brunette barista when I caught her staring at me as I was working on my laptop. 1 to-go spray of MX203 to back of neck works the best. I have noticed sharp dropoff in reactions when going for more than 2 sprays although there has been days when higher sprays have worked, but more often than not they have been bust.

From Dr. Dodd

Pherofragrances from AromaSciences Because pheromones are relatively new in perfumery, we often get requests for further information from our customers – so – we wrote this page for our customers. The first thing we should tell you is that we are world experts in pheromone science and also in the related topic of the psychology of perfumery. You can verify this for yourself by looking at some of the key scientific papers from our chief perfumer – George Dodd. These are listed in his CV on our website ( . We tell you this because on the world-wide-web you will find many sites from charlatans who pretend to have experience of pheromone science. Our claims are modest but tangible – in marked contrast to the wildly exaggerated claims that every woman you meet will swoon – a sure mark of a charlatan company. What are Human Pheromones? They are special aroma molecules on our skin and many of us are super-sensitive in detecting them. Our perfume studio has possibly the b...

1 to-go MX203 gave some good reactions at the gym

Forgot to post this last week. 1 to-go MX203 gave some good reactions at the gym with one strong IOI from a dark haired young woman. It's strange how when women initiate they tend to give a very small window for action. If you don't catch on and respond quickly, then that's it. You can forget about ever getting her or even becoming friends with her. For all she cares you have just insulted her in the worst way possible.

Day report 12/26/08: 2 A314 + 2 squirts TE + 1 xcite + 1 to-go IFM

The older cashier in her 50s at BK was quite rude in her tone. Either it had something to do with her conversation with her manager right before I went to the counter or something in my vibe was offending her. Not many other reactions for the first few hours after application. After about 3 hours went to the gym and immediately felt many eyes on me. I was doing one exercise and the instructor working there came to show me the correct way to do one particular exercise and then went to get his card to give it to me. That in itself is not surprising since he might just be looking to pitch himself as a personal trainer. But I have been doing the same exercise in the same way for several weeks now in front of him and he never felt the need to give me pointers except today. Noticed some looks from other women too, most around 20s, and of all ethnicities. The sweat activated the pheromones a bit more. I skipped shower and went to the book store. Noticed many interest indicators from both youn...

Surfs up/tacitus' post: Pheromones and social volume the b-nol to anrosterone were about 1:1. I shouldn\'t reveal the exact method of dispersal other than to say noone was aware of it. The scent was mild by musky -none standards. The room itself was about 36,000 cubic feet, about 40\' x 60\'give or take 20%. The timing of the effect was unmistakable. There were some offhand comments by others about the social intensity. They attributed it to good team spirit. This is unlike alpha-nol as alpha-nol seems to make the recipients quieter in a group setting, distinctly more intimate. When a decent cloud of alpha-nol has been released in noisy restauants there will be a clearly marked shift in the quality of the group energy from loud babble to a close murmer . The fractal dimension of group conversations will easily distinguish an alpha-nol crowd. The voices are much more carefully modulated and the range of volume, competition to be heard or assert social domina...

Surfs_up's hilarious (and important) post about dealing with crazies some of us dumb ass man guys develop an intial charge from the mentally imbalanced, not that I have ever done such a thing myself you know, 'coz they can be so fired up when they turn on, like to 11 on the 1 to 10 scale, OTOH, you have to be very cautious with this type, they can turn on you like a rattlesnake, go to the cops with all kinds of wildly inflated or fallacious charges, spread rumors , stalk your ass, end up pregnant with your kid, demand child support for somebody elses kid that they swear is yours while stalking you, trying to kill you, burning your house down, pressing abduction and abuse charges on the local state and federal level, planting kiddie porn on your computer then reporting you to the FBI, and begging you to marry them at the same time.... WISE UP FOOL.... WARNING WARNING WILL ROBINSON, DANGER DANGER... you think you've seen crazy behavior amigo ? unh unh, you ain...

8 weeks into no soap shower

This is the eighth week since I stopped using soap during shower. I don't see a huge difference in my social life. I am continuing to use pheromones during this period. This post is just to keep track of the duration of my being soap free.

Kitchen sink mix

1 A314 applied on chest, 1 squirt TE gel applied on wrists and neck, 2 to-go IG on front of neck, 1 to-go CTTM on head, 1 to-go IFM to back of neck, 1 to-go ICM1b to chest, 1 to-go Focus mix to neck and wrists, 10 mcg TAL + 12.5 mcg MEO-EST, 12.5 mcg P86, 5 dabs PF on face. So I went for the kitchen sink. Surprisingly it wasn't a total bust and received some smiles and signs of attraction. Have no idea what worked and what didn't...

Received IFM and TAL and Day report: 12/20/2008

Thankfully the herbal smell is not there in my current bottle of IFM. I am glad Michael decided to drop the Clary Sage in this version. It does smell strong though but more musky, pheromoney. I will take this over herbal smell any day. Used 1 to-go IFM + 12 mcg of TAL + 1 MX203 + Athena + PF on face Didn't attract much attention. Mood is even, no unusual tension. Easier to smile. Nothing else special to note.

Health report

I went to get my physical consultation today. I was wearing 3 sprays of IG and 1 to-go spray of CTTM. The examiner was a white caucasian pilates instructor in her 20s. The pheromone did have some effect. She kept playing with her hair the entire time and made comments like "you are so funny", "you are so cute" etc. Anyway, so after almost 2 hrs of exercising, measuring, jumping, talking etc. I got my report. First the good news: Body fat percentage is 6% and BMI was 20.4. I also scored excellent on flexibility tests, and abs strength. But the bad news is that my resting heart rate is really high (86). The peak however was 191, which is on par with the average, calculated as (220 - age). I wonder if the high resting heart rate was just temporary and probably due to the stress of the situation, but I am pretty convinced that my heart muscles are weak. I am happy with the effect of cutting out the carbs from my diet on my body fat% and abs. But now I really have to foc...

Pill to make you more charming

A pill that can increase your confidence and make you more charming. I am not sure if it works but it sure looks exciting. Its ingredient list looks good too and the website is well presented. Check it out here: CharmEnhance is the only supplement that has been specifically formulated to enhance the following characteristics in users: 1) High intention but detachment to the outcome 2) Enjoyment of the present moment

2 A314 + 1 xcite + 4 ICM1b + 1 large spray oxycalm: better reactions at the snooty coffee shop

I have been going to this coffee shop for 2-3 weeks and noticed that it's very hard to get a reaction out of anyone here. Today wearing this combo after getting my chai as I passed by a guy sitting with a cute baby girl the baby locked onto me quickly and started smiling and giggling. Typical of A314 + xcite combo. Felt more presence in general. Older man was looking, waiting for acknowledgement. Cute girl looked, smiled and started rearranging her hair. I think I did break through the snooty nature of the crowd here somewhat. It's not a total success but most girls who come here are young, hot and well groomed, kind of expected for the rich crowd and very wary of giving any encouragement to strangers. Yesterday I tried 4 sprays of to-go MX200 here with some success. MX101, TE etc. have failed to give any positive reactions here. I haven't tried Athena + PF combo in isolation here yet.

Michael: all good pheromones are ALL in some way sexual Almost EVERYTHING which signals health, youth and vibrancy IS sexual. We wouldn't have sex if it wasn't for reproduction, and biologically we want to reproduce with the healthiest and most expressive of the species. Openness (Alpha Androstenol, etc.), Shine ( TAA ), beta-Androstenol, ALL of the useful molecules are in some way sexual. Sure, they may not be Red Light District sexual like androstenone is, but they're certainly useful triggers for attraction. Useful indicators for reproductive fitness. Since all pheromones (with the exception of copulins) are the end result of hormone metabolism, they are ALL indicators, in some way, of health. They ALL indicate higher than normal hormonal activity, which tends to indicate good health, and thus they are ALL useful indicators for reproductive fitness. To summarize: Unless they're repugnan...

Pheromones work for like 30 mins, rest is just momentum

I am getting pretty close to concluding that synthetic pheromones applied to the body work for like 30 mins. to 1 hr. tops, and rest is just your mental inertia. This 30 min to 1 hr of "active" period is when people notice their real pheromone generated hits. If there are any effects at other times, outside the "active" period, I think it can only be attributed to the effects on mood that happened during the "active" period (similar to when you get a happy news you are happy for hours, days or sometimes even weeks depending on the type of news) or to the placebo effect, which can also be very significant, and shouldn't be discounted. The problem therefore is that it's very hard to gauge when this "active" period will occur; whether it will be right after application or will come by 5 hrs later. I am mostly surprised that even a happy light mix (like MX203) seems to become active at totally unpredictable time (sometimes right after applica...