Wagg: 1-2 drops on the wrist, rubbed on neck, shirt etc. 2 sprays of old MX101: one on back of neck, one on front under shirt I was reminded why I liked the smell of MX101 so much. It's definitely not Ammo smell but probably was Neroli based, sweet and pleasant, and none of that nasty alcohol smell that seems to be there after Androtics switched to organic alcohol which by the way is making me very hesitant to buy something new until they get some odor neutral alcohol. One lady acquintance from an earlier class together gave me her phone number so we can play some sports together. One guy asked me if I was working out or losing weight (me try to lose weight????, I spend all my energy in trying to gain weight, but whatever, I am sure he meant it as a compliment) Virtually no eye contact from any women when I went out for lunch. Around 5pm some noticeable reactions from two asian women, maybe the -none has worn off but so must have the friendly pheros. What gives? I will say the Wagg...