\"Hormonal changes in you directly cause predictable cognitive and hormonal changes in me, through the \"magic\" of pheromones. This is interesting because it means our social environment is literally sort of a macro-brain! You and I are really part of the same social organism (a term resurrected by Bloom for popular culture in The Lucifer Principle.). So pheromones are really the equivalent of both hormones and neurotransmitters for social organisms, one of nature\'s meta-animals! Flexible little chemicals, aren\'t they?
The VNO is a unique place; where naked brain cells meet the environment! No conversion of input to chemical signals is necessary, unlike when nerves in your finger are triggered by pressure to the skin. The theater of operations is very small. Once the receptors are full, occupied, and firing, few molecules can get in. The law of diminishing returns enters.
So it should not be suprising that, in my recent Life on the Edge survey, the 25 respondents endorsed peak effectiveness at around 2-3 dabs, while the response dropped off in a steep manner after that. What that means, I suspect, is that 2-4 dabs provides enough \"mystery pheros\" to have all our matching VNO neurons firing already, \"thank you very much!\"
More is like beating a dead horse, I am guessing, except a dead horse smells better. The extra mones are then processed through some weird olfactory and lymphatic paths that have nothing to do with mating. So now maybe the brain even interprets this overflow as due to some ominous situation like overpopulation, a battlefield, or a mass of dead bodies, even -- all of which are more cannibalistic than romantic scenarios! After all, what other scenarios in nature could be responsible for that many pheros being produced in one place? How else could our mammalian brains interpret it!?
This is maybe why, when we OD, people treat us like we\'re Hannibal Lector; or worse yet, like we\'re Charice! Do me now, Jodi! So perhaps the \"more is better\" approach might work with some pheros, when they trigger their effect through smell, a process where a bit of higher order processing by the brain has to occur before mating hormones become triggered.
With vision, even more cognitive mediation of our hormonal responses occur, a point on which jvk and I have not entirely connected. The VNO bypasses all that, we can suppose, and is more \"reptilian\" in function. Your hormones lead directly to my reptilian behavior. (\"You bring out the Gecko in me, my dear!\" ) There is also the possibility of neural fatigue to consider. Neurons can\'t fire infinitely fast, forever. Eventually an OD could lead to a temporary inability to respond sexually, an occurrance I should not like to observe until I roll over and enter Snoresville, Fartholvania. This is one reason why I like an oil base for pheromones (a la PI, AE; SOE). The time-release is more compatible with our neural rythms. All this means is, be careful out there, folks, of OD\'ing on VNO-reactive pheros! \"
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