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Day-after results from previous day application

I have been going through my old posts and found a repeated observation about seeing noticeable good results on the day following mone application, sometimes to OD levels.Here are two old related posts:

I have felt that pheromone residue hits (i.e. hits received when you probably think the pheromone applied has already evaporated because you didn't apply any pheromone recently) are much better. I get good hits in the evening compared to mornings all the time.

So far I had tried to attribute it to various things like people's mood in the morning. None of which seem like a satisfactory explanation. With some mixes I get good hits soon after application. With others I get hits after many hours mostly in the evening from morning application. Sometimes the day after application with nothing applied that morning.

Attractions should come out through pleasant conversation, good eye contact. I should feel relaxed and not rushed as well. Otherwise there is just no point. I only look for hits when I have freshly applied, but most good hits seem to come much later sometimes 8-9 hours later.

I guess pheromones need to be absorbed by the body and then when they are rereleased they cause better reactions, or some need to be converted on your skin to turn into something good.
Don't know. Still looking for a product which consistently gets me the hits I am looking for.

So, I bought MX349 which is basically MX101x2 and cut it in half using Issey Miyake. So, basically 1 spray of this is equiavlent to 1 spray of MX101 but in Issey Miyake cologne smell.

Tried 1 spray to the back of neck and went for lunch and noticed a feeling of presence. Went to the gym around 5 hrs later and the girl at the counter was immediately attarcted. Giving looks and smiles almost as soon as she saw me and after I was done with the workout.

Took a shower and then applied 1 more spray to back of neck and 1 spray of P75 at 2.5 mcg. Noticed many women giving me smiles and looks for the next hour or so that I was in the bar.

From my experience I have noticed tha MX101 changes into something very good next day, not by converting on your skin, but somehow it seems that your body becomes conditioned to release very attractive pheromones by itself the next day, even after completely scrubbing your body. I have noticed this phenomena before and today it was verified again.

I showered in the morning and went to a cafe and immediately felt many eyes of women on me. The girl at the counter remembered my drink and mentioned it before I could open my mouth. I have been going there for months and always ordered the same thing but she hasn't mentioned it before. Also the place is usually packed with snooty self-absorbed young men and women and are not very open to giving looks or smiles to strangers.

Met many people in the afternoon walking around a campus with a friend who went there and everyone was really receptive and friendly and many girls were surreptitiously eyeing me.

Overall a great day. Need to be careful to prevent buildup though.

Strategy: Shower and use MX101 before going out for the night and have a fun time. In the morning take a thorough shower and don't apply anything and have a fun day. Repeat.

I have lately begun to experiment with this approach again.

Apply 1 spray MX101 in the evening or before going to bed on chest or neck region. Shower in the morning as usual. No other application throughout the day. Note reactions at the end of the day.


  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Interesting post. At this time others are testing effects from conversion and/or buildup from the day before. Especially on Hax products, there is something going on there.


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