Ammo v1.5: Boss was very friendly at the lunch place. It definitely has positive effect on guys. Application was in the morning. In evening at the gym noticed attraction signs from few women. I notice that MX226 and ICM 1b mix are two very effective mixes for all male company. These are ok with women too. Used ICM1b while working with a male client and he was very upbeat and friendly compared to other times. I have recently noticed that when I have residue -none on my body my colleagues tend to become very loud when talking with me, even the normally reserved ones. But with Ammo at fresh application the volume was lower. I haven't noted a pattern of what happens when lighter molecules of Ammo disappear. Used Focus mix (2 to-go spray) + P86 (50 mcg) + CTTM (1 to-go spray) at a small get together with colleagues. The younger female colleague and other male coleagues were noticeably distant. I wonder which of P86, P79, TAF, A-nol, B-nol could be causing the distancing (P79 ?). One ma...