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Day report 02/07/09: 2 A314 + 1 xcite; Later 2 MX101 + 100 mcg MEO-EST

Went out with 3 guy friends. Conversation was good. Rapport was quickly generated but that's common with shared experiences, so can't really attribute it to the pheros.

Took a shower and went to a party.

Applied 2 sprays MX101 (1 on chest, 1 on neck) + 100 mcg MEO-EST

Lots of talking and dancing! I was the new person in the group with most people acquainted with each other for atleast 2 yrs. Went to a bar afterwards with the group and all the women in the group were asking me to dance. Most women were much older than me and seemed pretty uninhibited. I don't know if MEO-EST contributed much or if they are like this all the time. There was some interest from young women at the bar when I went to order drinks. Very open and social reactions, shocked me a little, but this was my first time in that bar so I am not familiar with the culture there.

2 sprays MX101 is definitely a good dose. MEO-EST might be a good adjunct. At the very least it didn't create any negative reactions.

A314 + xcite pheromones were mostly wiped out after taking shower or atleast the residue didn't take away anything from the MX101 effects.
