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Alpha Q vs M3X vs AM vs Evolve

For the past few months I have been playing around with Alpha Q, M3X, AM (2013 version), and Evolve quite a bit and have noticed some interesting distinctions between them.

I mostly use these on a base of 2 drops NA+A1 mix applied behind ears. I have found that this base mix consistently seems to provide a smoothening experience on other mixes and helps their positives get expressed more overtly. In addition, it adds imprint, friendliness, and acceptability which can be lacking in some overt attraction mixes, like the ones mentioned above.

Alpha Q
This benefits the least from NA+A1 as it has some of those qualities on its own.
High levels of social strata type respect at work. Boss carries heavy presentation equipment while I walk around empty handed and won't let me carry it.
Women sitting next to me will turn and look at me to give an opening for conversation.
Younger women are not intimidated.
Build-up is a real risk with three days of repeated usage with this one. No one will want to make eye contact. Women will look anywhere but at me when I am in this state even when I am the only person in conversation with them.
Not very consistent and doesn't always show itself.
Doesn't feel very alpha or very attractive but is moderately both.
I like BW more than AQ as it is more consistent with its messaging and vibe.
Unless it somehow surprises me in subsequent trials, I am not buying this again.

Best mone for first dates and even subsequent dates (always paired with NA+A1 for me).
Without NA its not as consistent.
Outside of one-on-one interactions it doesn't show itself in any overt way.
Will close off some younger women, early 20s, but it doesn't scare them. Its just a vibe that they are not into.
No women try to make their presence known with fresh application, but the next day residue turns attractive for some reason, even for younger women (maybe because it wears off or my body releases some other attractive mones under its effect, a phenomena I noticed with Pheroproof also)
Guys are very friendly and try to make conversations in a bar type situation.
Women seem to be glancing briefly but staying away. Hard to open them.
Easier in within social groups but conversation post-insertion is hard to maintain.

With NA+A1 base its my number one attractant right now. Nothing past or present competes. Impresses in low key bar situations as well as high-energy dance party situations. I never liked it much as a stand-alone.
One example: Girl (in her 20s) sitting next to me turns and compliments on my smell and keeps talking about it ("You smell so good", "Your pheromones are on point", "It smells very attractive") and keeps asking what I am wearing so she can buy some for her husband. Her and her friend don't leave my side all evening and we join a bigger group with two other cute women (both in their 20s also) and they are similarly hooked even though they don't talk about my smell.
Another example: The hostess at a bar initiates conversation even though I am sitting with a bunch of friends and expresses very overt interest that takes my friends and me aback. Makes it easy to progress to the next steps.
Conversations flow surprisingly well.
Makes women and me bold enough to say things that would otherwise be left unsaid.
Best for attracting new women - bar none.
Not sure how the new 2017 versions are compared to this 2013 version that I am using.
My younger women friends surprisingly also like this vibe and there is renewed connection with them.

Evolve (vs DP)
Attractive vibe but its no match for AM. Its hit and miss for attracting new women.
Sexual in a different way than DP. Makes them wet in a gushing way that's not consistent with arousal level. Its as if it relaxes some muscle but they don't recall being that turned on.
DP on the other hand creates wetness and connected arousal. DP + SXD-9 is a more believable sexual vibe.
Add NA+A1 mix to increase their memory of the event and add a strong connectedness vibe that seems to amplify the feelings and satisfaction.


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Nice post.
    If I am not mistaken you use a mix of NA+A1 and you apply 2 drops from this mix as a base. If I may how many mcg A1 do you use and is it A1 oil (maybe you can also tell me where you got it from)?

    Btw very informative blog. Thumbs up.

  2. Thanks! I have the 5 mg/ml of A1 in alcohol from LAL. In every application I am probably getting about 10 mcg of A1 total. At this dose it doesn't turn off guys and the effects are still noticeable.

  3. I'm thinking about getting the 100 mcg A1, 50 mcg none, 50 mcg, rone, 50 mcg a-sulfate and maybe 50-100 mcg of TAA.

    This would be like instant shine + social/bonding. A great all-around mix as a base. Later on possibly alpha androstenol to top it all off.


    1. Is this per spray dosage after the mix? Too much None for per spray. And also to much A1 in my opinion. Unless you have tried them at this dosage before.

      10 mcg -None and 10 mcg -rone total application will already be quite effective. Add maybe 25 mcg TAA and its a simple attractive mix. If a-sulfate is what I think it is, then 25 mcg of that might work fine too. I will keep A1 at less than 20 mcg total if I will be around any men but that's just my chemistry.

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Ok, thanks for the response.
    What is your dosage for the M3X/NA combo?


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