3 drops Nude + 6 drops Bad Wolf + few dabs of Pherofragrance: No personal space but quite attractive vibe
I applied the few dabs of Pherofragrance directly to my face on eyebrows and sideburns (which increases the looks of women focusing on your facial features). This mix felt way too social. At the generally crowded lunch place there was no sense of personal space among people, and especially younger people would just stand inches away from me. I was thinking that 6 drops of Bad Wolf which I have never worn before would be very intimidating but it wasn't repelling anyone and instead seemed to help draw attention and bring people closer. Noticed a lot of sly looks and some direct eye holds from women. There was a center of attention effect and service and attention were prompt. This was just a trial to see how high doses of Bad Wolf interact with a decent dose of social. Since there was a clear attractive vibe I can't deem this mix a bust. Will remove Pherofragrance from the equation for the next trial.
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