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Best Products for daily life

This is a list of products that have emerged as the clear winners for me for various daily situations.

1) Morning before heading off to work
  • Nude Alpha (1-2 drops is enough)
  • Nude (1-4 drops) 
  • SXD-9 (1 pump, but smaller amounts works better)
  • Add Bad Wolf for sexual and aggressive edge (2 drops)
  • Add A1 for more comfort (upto 20 mcg)
  • Add P96 for a comfortable/calming influence (25 mcg)
  • Add L2K V1 (1 spray) - Brings a more pronounced social, attractive edge to any of the above. Helpful, if I am stopping somewhere to get coffee etc.

2) Lunch time
Same mones applied in the morning carry over as I work in an air-conditioned environment and most of what I apply in the morning is still working.

3) Evening - Heading to the gym
  • Bad Wolf - 2 drops - Helps with workout, increases attraction signs
  • Nude + Dirty Primitive - 1 drop each - Helps with Workout, Increased flirty behavior, even post workout, Sticky until shower
  • Evolve + Cohesion (1/2 spray each) - Increased attractive vibe, Sticky until shower
4) Grocery Store
I usually end up at a grocery store before heading home and run into some attractive women
My body's reactions to mones applied earlier, i.e. my own mones released as a result, are functional at this time.

5) Bar/Restaurant
Going out for drinks or dinner with friends. At this point I would have showered already after the gym so have a clean slate.
  • Hypnotica + Dirty Primitive works the best for getting flirty attention and attraction
  • Bad Wolf - Attraction but some women are on edge.
  • Nude Alpha + A1 - In low doses applied on jaws
6) Woman coming over
  • Dirty Primitive - 1 drop
  • SXD-9 (1 pump)
  • Turn Up the Heat (few dabs - works better than spraying)
  • The Edge gel (1 small blob)
  • NPA (1 dab)
  • Evolve (1 drop)
  •  Add TAC (25 mcg) for relaxing/comforting influence  
  • Add P96 (25 mcg) for comforting/calming influence  
  • Add A1 (10 mcg) for comforting/calming influence
I will continue to revise this list as I test more products and mixes.


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    How do you recognize/measure attraction using different products?

  2. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hi , May I ask where did if you get TAC


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