I have tried DP (in Aqua Vitae scent) in combination with Nude and sometimes in combination with Hypnotica and noticed very social, flirty, spotlight type reactions around women, including younger women. Seen reactions from guys, gays, women, young and old with this combination which surprised me to no end as DP is a high androstenone product with 12 mcg -none and 4 mcg Copulins per drop.
I am always very careful with high -none products and don't really like wearing them at high dose or as daily wear, so I have been somewhat restrained in my testing and always used DP in conjunction with something social, like Nude, or Hypnotica. The goal behind these combos is to create the aura of a likable but very attractive guy. It seems to be succeeding in that goal.
1 drop Nude + 1 drop DP caused the most flirty reactions from younger women so far. Even at the gym women are not hesitating to get close and come up to me. Usually women stay away as I don't appear very friendly or open. With Hypnotica and DP (3:1) mix I get less flirty but still noticeable reactions and some sly looks.
I would say Nude + DP mix is better if you already have some connection for interactions to happen as it will ramp up the flirtatious side (so probably better used when meeting or hanging out with friends, and dates), but Hypnotica + DP will draw more women that don't know you to show signs of attraction in the form of proximity, looks, and smiles, and its up to you from there.
Now I just need to dial in the ratios a little better. I know that usually you don't want to mix A1 with copulins but I have a feeling A1 will increase women's forwardness even more in a Nude + DP mix. Remains to be seen.
What is most astounding to me is the lack of -none buildup. As soon as I shower with my normal soap loofah scrub its like I have a clean slate. This was never the case in the past when I would have -none buildup that would last for days with the same shower routine that I have now.
I think something about LAL's mone carrier (oil + DPG) makes -none not that sticky on my skin. As I have also noticed that with Nude Alpha plus A1 which I can wear daily without any buildup effects. A1 is also notoriously sticky so that is really something.
I am always very careful with high -none products and don't really like wearing them at high dose or as daily wear, so I have been somewhat restrained in my testing and always used DP in conjunction with something social, like Nude, or Hypnotica. The goal behind these combos is to create the aura of a likable but very attractive guy. It seems to be succeeding in that goal.
1 drop Nude + 1 drop DP caused the most flirty reactions from younger women so far. Even at the gym women are not hesitating to get close and come up to me. Usually women stay away as I don't appear very friendly or open. With Hypnotica and DP (3:1) mix I get less flirty but still noticeable reactions and some sly looks.
I would say Nude + DP mix is better if you already have some connection for interactions to happen as it will ramp up the flirtatious side (so probably better used when meeting or hanging out with friends, and dates), but Hypnotica + DP will draw more women that don't know you to show signs of attraction in the form of proximity, looks, and smiles, and its up to you from there.
Now I just need to dial in the ratios a little better. I know that usually you don't want to mix A1 with copulins but I have a feeling A1 will increase women's forwardness even more in a Nude + DP mix. Remains to be seen.
What is most astounding to me is the lack of -none buildup. As soon as I shower with my normal soap loofah scrub its like I have a clean slate. This was never the case in the past when I would have -none buildup that would last for days with the same shower routine that I have now.
I think something about LAL's mone carrier (oil + DPG) makes -none not that sticky on my skin. As I have also noticed that with Nude Alpha plus A1 which I can wear daily without any buildup effects. A1 is also notoriously sticky so that is really something.
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