I have been going through my old posts and found a repeated observation about seeing noticeable good results on the day following mone application, sometimes to OD levels.Here are two old related posts: http://smellscent.blogspot.com/2006/12/good-feeling-pheromone-residue-hits.html I have felt that pheromone residue hits (i.e. hits received when you probably think the pheromone applied has already evaporated because you didn't apply any pheromone recently) are much better. I get good hits in the evening compared to mornings all the time. So far I had tried to attribute it to various things like people's mood in the morning. None of which seem like a satisfactory explanation. With some mixes I get good hits soon after application. With others I get hits after many hours mostly in the evening from morning application. Sometimes the day after application with nothing applied that morning. Attractions should come out through pleasant conversation, good eye contact. I shoul...