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P75: Noticeably childish (youngish)

My P75 is 2.5 mcg/spray in Grapefruit.

Applied 1 spray to back of neck and still got a strong smell. A short wave of headache started but quickly passed. Felt slight pressure between eyebrows which also didn't stay too long.

At the lunch place didn't see any overt signs of anything really. Everyone was mellow and business like.

Applied another spray around 4 pm to hair on head.

Conversation wasn't very good throughout the day. Many times I thought about saying some thing and couldn't think of the right word. May have made me spacey.

It was easy to get in a fun action mode (tickling) with gf rather than fun conversation mode (teasing). She asked me to remember that I am 30 years old in a joking way.
Mood remained pretty upbeat or even throughout the day.

Next day applied another spray on the hair on top of head. No noticeable reactions when I went to lunch afterwards.
