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Tacitus: P86 is super TAK

I had one significant day with P86 in combination with A314 and Athena and found it to be quite attractive and super chatty. So it is kind of opposite to what Tacitus describes below. So, maybe P86 by acting as an anti-depressant to some people would actually open them up and reduce their self-consciousness and let them speak out when they would have normally stayed quiet.

Ah, yessss... P86... well, kids, P86 is kind of a super TAK.... it isn't an energizer or an erotociser... it IS a very consistent sedative or calmative pheromone... sometimes I actually use it as a sleep aid.. it won't make you sleepy directly, it will substantially quiet you down... very centering... anti-anxiety... I've always thought of P86 as the Prozac of pheromones... where P88 is really weird stuff, clearly in the oddball camp... one of the pheromonodelics... in small doses will add a potent sense of social awareness, you will be quite conscious of people's faces and the subtle emotions that flit across them... I'm thinking of a nicely balanced mix of ...P74,P79, P83, P91, P93... not too many mu of any one... as a delightfully humptuous stimulus....
The singing may have been a sense of relief from background anxiety... P86 is not exactly TAK... my opinion is that it feels better, "rounder", quite soothing... it might serve well as an buffer when you want calm erotocism versus too stoked up passions running amok
Another job for P96.... I've been more than happy with a P74/P86/P96 combination for mellow deep groove hang out vibes.... too much beta-Androstenol can produce "oversharing"...
My Superwoman mix is EST, MEO-EST, Androsterone (here it adds a sense of security instead of maleness), TAC, TAH, P74, P83 (just a bit for focus), P86 (integrator), P91, P93 (91 +93 sparingly for a rich burnished glow), P96 (a must, works like gold with the P86).... this has enough balance and complexity that you don't get the single note, lean on the lever, motormouthy push like you get from beta-Androstenol..... note: I deliberately leave out the alpha-androstenol bcause it is the most purely romantic of all the pheromones... definitely add in Alpha Androstenol for any sexmix... if you put any sort of Alpha Androstenol in a "first contact" mix, you can get an abreaction... they go into self doubting, self critical mode after, and may actually want MORE distance next time... any social thing that comes on too strong, goes too far too fast, and doesn't make emotional sense IS going to activate the frontal cortex of the brain which will want to know WHY am I feeling all this warm fuzzy stuff ??? All in all the P86/P96 is a really interesting pair, because it doesn't push or drivea nything, it does create a deep sense of self-integration or wholeness, which is fundamentally sane feeling...
