Look, if he has masculinity issues ( overcompensating hard for feeling inadequately masculine or buying into an overloaded male identity construct ) he's got to be working hard under his skin to keep the masculinity going ... maybe his dad slapped him around and called him a faggot or some abusive dynamic like that to "toughen him up" , or he could have grown up around an unhealthy sense of competition, zero-sum players who think every thing you win is an equal thing I lose... so they invest a load of energy putting others into loser mode... the problems here really isn't pheromones, it is a belief or a cluster of beliefs about the meaning of masculinity or the male identity. In contrasting feminine terms it can be like the old fairy tale Cinderella... the stepmother is so obsessed with losing her feminine identity ( and being displaced by her daughter ) that she has to wilfully damage her daughter's self image... fathers with deep seated identity issues can do that with their sons as well... this produces guys with the always-on-alert-for-putdown style, guys who are forever proving themselves, guys who have to get the girl, have to win every game of pool, have to have the last word... at the belief level it is all about psychic survival... I give these types plenty of room, always accentuate the positive, don't become caught up in competition dynamics or put down games, "flow" their thoughts rather than challenge them, and learn to be elegantly impersonal around anything that might get charged for them.
Look, if he has masculinity issues ( overcompensating hard for feeling inadequately masculine or buying into an overloaded male identity construct ) he's got to be working hard under his skin to keep the masculinity going ... maybe his dad slapped him around and called him a faggot or some abusive dynamic like that to "toughen him up" , or he could have grown up around an unhealthy sense of competition, zero-sum players who think every thing you win is an equal thing I lose... so they invest a load of energy putting others into loser mode... the problems here really isn't pheromones, it is a belief or a cluster of beliefs about the meaning of masculinity or the male identity. In contrasting feminine terms it can be like the old fairy tale Cinderella... the stepmother is so obsessed with losing her feminine identity ( and being displaced by her daughter ) that she has to wilfully damage her daughter's self image... fathers with deep seated identity issues can do that with their sons as well... this produces guys with the always-on-alert-for-putdown style, guys who are forever proving themselves, guys who have to get the girl, have to win every game of pool, have to have the last word... at the belief level it is all about psychic survival... I give these types plenty of room, always accentuate the positive, don't become caught up in competition dynamics or put down games, "flow" their thoughts rather than challenge them, and learn to be elegantly impersonal around anything that might get charged for them.
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