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Day report 10/26/07: 2 A314 + 2 TE

Used 2 drops A314 + 2 drops of liquid TE (not gel). Covered with Gucci Envy. Very attractive mix throughout the day. Even though it was rainy and very cold still it felt though it was diffusing at a fine rate. Interesting looks and IoIs. Teaching went well too. Mood was great and people were friendly, respectful etc.

A314 is by no means a simple mix but this is again a reminder that we don't need to add too many premixed products...maximum three, beyond that it's just a mess. When picking the products to use as a combo, pick one -rone dominant, another -nol dominant and another -none dominant. Sometimes one can be dropped based on desired responses. Today I dropped -nol but it worked out great. This was my first time with significant effects from TE liquid instead of gels. Definitely will try this again.
