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Day report 09/26/07: 3 A314 + 1 xcite + 25 mcg P74

Applied 25 mcg of P74 over the tested A314+xcite wipe combo. Didn't notice much increase in chattiness, although noticed some decrease in respect. I had to talk over some people who wouldn't listen, maybe that was an indication for increase in chattiness. I didn't like the effect though.

Also felt very jittery during morning. There was a constant eye contact from a tall black lady who wouldn't break eye contact until we passed each other. Some other attraction signs but much less than what I get with that combo minus P74. I might try it later, but never for an important day. 3 drops of A314 wasn't enough to provide stability to this mix. It was possibly too -nol-y.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Bull, I would recommend applying 50 mcg of P74 just before an important social interaction. Still apply the other mones like you normally would (say just before you leave home) but apply the P74 (50 mcg not less) just before the social interaction. It should work well with the largely Alpha-Androstenol based Xcite wipes. A314 at 2-3 drops is needed IMHO to kind of 'ground' this mix. You may think the mix is not stable but I think people will still have plenty of respect for you with 3 drops of A314 on even if the Xcite/P74 makes them and you act a little goofy.


  2. Thanks Visionary, will try that. Frankly I am a little disappointed that so far I haven't gotten much benefits from this purported wonderful molecule. Let's see how 50 mcg goes.


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