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Day report 07/05/07: Pherone V-5 some success

Today I applied very little V-5. Covered the dropper mouth with my finger with slight pressure and inverted the bottle and applied near sideburns and repeated it once more for the other side. Covered with CKone maybe 5 sprays from the full bottle and 3 sprays from the smaller bottle on shirt.
One very pretty asian girl stared at me full on while we were walking towards each other. One older female friend went giggly and started behaving like a little girl with wobbly knees. One white girl kept staring nonstop while I was talking to a guy acquaintance. Another black girl kept looking at me while I was waiting for the elevator and she was passing back and forth from some classroom. This was at around 10 am. I didn't notice anything special on the bus ride. Ok, it's 11 am and another very pretty white girl gave a very friendly smile even though I was focussed on something else and didn't look at her, she kept looking until I looked at her and then smiled. My asian friend came in and complimented me on my dress.
Is it my lucky day? Have I found the product that works for all races of women, white, black, asian? Or is it because I am dressed well (it's new casual tshirt and old jeans) Well the day is still young.
