As to active ingredients, here is what the Pherolibrary shows for NPA and Edge, followed by my guess as to the amounts of the ingredients in Impi
The Edge & EE = .050 mg/ml eNone + .050 mg/ml Unspecified Ingredient (UI) for a total content of .100 mg/ml of pheromones.
NPA = .240 mg/ml aNone + .240 mg/ml UI for a total of .480 mg/ml of pheromones (= 4.8 times as concentrated as TE)
Impi # 1 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .063 mg/ml AHA for a total of .271 mg/ml of active ingredients
Impi # 2 = .083 mg/ml eNone + .083 mg/ml UI + .042 mg/ml ETS-11 + .083 mg/ml AHA for a total of .292 mg/ml of active ingredients
It has never been answered as to whether the colored Impi’s have the same active ingredients as either earlier version of Impi, but most people are assuming that they have the same active ingredients as "unscented" Impi # 2 plus the artificial scents.
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