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TAL report

Tacitus: yeah, I've tried it several times in higher doses, 30-60 mu in strong mixes.... definitely adds a social confidence edge, women open up a lot... they seem to become more teenage like in their behavior, when they didn't have a worry in the world, they get smiley and feel understood... all around good fun... add it to a NONE based juice and they can get veddy turned on all around

Michael: TAL is the centerpiece molecule in most of my mixes for the FEMALE version of Shine.
I think TAL burns a little brighter on the mood elevation front for women than it does for men, and that it's a little heavier effect than what men experience when they use Shine. Something a little more serious and A314ish for women, but not all the way... More like something inbetween A314 and Shine, but more on the Shine side. If you used 30mcg of TAL in your mix, and got a good effect with that, I'd love to know how 5 to 10mcg of TAH added to the same mix changes it for you. As far as reasonable dosage goes, I'd say 2.5mcg to 17.5mcg. Pretty small. The influence of TAL is detectable at small levels.

Pheroquirk: TAL was different - I felt confident, a bit assertive. Sense of calm and fluidity. The Starbucks guy (who I often see) didn't notice me the moment I walked in as would be the case with a Androsterone or none mix, but he volunteered some stuff about how he had been having a rough day, which he has never done before. Possibly a bit like a softer version of Jasmin's experience with the bank teller.
