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TAA report

Scottie2Hottie: Given the proper dose, Shine really energizes me and puts me in action mode...I can't sit still...I have to do something. I can get an amazing amount of stuff accomplished in much less time. TAA just makes me nervous/anxious. I also notice that my movement is more precise and fluid w/ IS...too much and I'm a bumbling mess, which I get from too much TAA alone. I have greater focus w/ IS, which completely contradicts what TAA alone does to me. TAA just seems to cause overload pretty quickly and I get a nasty headache at 15-20 mu.
I've been considering some comments about TAF having effects like sensory enhancement/enrichment, increased focus, altered time perception...all of which I experience w/ IS, but not necessarily w/ TAA. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that w/ TAA the effects aren't quite the same; they seem more crude. IS seems more rounded, more "full" or "filled out" and more polished.

Tacitus: I get a progresive mood brightening up to 100 mu , haven't bothered after that.... OTOH my experience with TAF is like your description of TAA...

TAA gives you that no worries, be happy uplift... nothing particularly profound about it, though being profound all the time is a lot of excess work. Was wondering what a kick back-chill out -pheromone like TAK would do in conjunction with the upbeat TAA

Michael: IS is Instant Shine and is based around the TAA molecule (12.5mcg TAA per spray out of 15mcg total content). It's a light, carefree, feel great type of effect.
I'm getting lots of greet feedback for Shine when used with Openness, and A314, both for present and previous relationships.
