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Increase in attractiveness due to pheromones

After doing a lot of social planned and unplanned experiments with my attractive and not-so-attractive friends I think I have a good idea of how pheromones increase attraction.
And for quite some time I have been thinking about a formula that will explain my observations. The formula I came up with is:

A' = A + k(M-A)

where, A = Current attractiveness level in a scale from 1 to M (M is the maximum score),
A' is the pheromone enhanced attractiveness level
and k = Pheromone factor ( 1 > k > 0) (Higher k means better the pheromone is at increasing your attractiveness)

Say we rate someone to be a 5 on a scale of 10. Now if the Pheromone factor is 0.3 then after using the pheromones the person will be perceived as A' = 5 + 0.3*(10-5) = 6.5 on the attractiveness scale.

It doesn't need to be attractivess level only, it can be your perceived status level or whatever. Some pheromones might have a 'pheromone factor' of 0.5 for the 'status' scale but 0.1 for the 'sexy' scale.

If someone is a 10 in the scale then donning pheromones doesn't help at all as the modified level remains the same. A' = 10 + k (10-10) = 10, no matter what the value of 'pheromone factor'.

It can also be seen that people who are lower in the scale benefit the most.

'Social affection' threshold concept
Now we can say that people of attractiveness level 8 or above get lot of social affection (eye contact, propositions, approaches or other IOIs) from other people. So, we can define '8' as the threshold for 'social affection' beyond which there is a sudden jump in the amount of social affection or the percentage of people providing social affection.

Someone who is a 5 doesn't get that amount of social affection. After using pheromones with 'pheromone factor' of atleast 0.6 they can reach a level of 8, then they will start noticing similar social affection signals. If they use pheromones with a 'pheromone factor' of less than 0.6 they will still be enhanced but may not notice all the signs as a '8' might witness.

I think the threshold concept is important. Social affection doesn't increase linearly in my opinion. Beyond a certain level it increases manifold probably because people who are very low in their attractiveness level also prefer to bestow the social affections on someone who is beyond a certain level of attractiveness and not just to someone who is slightly higher than them.

Proxy hits
Now if you are a 5 wearing a pheromone with k=0.5 and you are walking with your friend who is level 6, so unless your pheromone clearly signals that it's coming from you and not your general vicinity, your friend will be enhanced by proxy too. So your modified level is A'=5+0.5*(10-5) = 7.5, but your friend's modified level is A'=6+0.5*(10-6)=8.

So in your sans pheromone outings together maybe you noticed your friend getting slightly higher social affection compared to you (due to his higher level), you will start to notice a lot higher social affection going in his direction now after he passes a certain threshold (which for our example we have assumed to be '8'). Even though you are receiving much higher affection as well but you still didn't pass the threshold.
