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Congruity for attraction and trust

It really isn't a matter of technique or what to "do." As long as you are congruent--as in whatever you say or do matches the genuine personality you've developed from within yourself--the woman will feel comfortable and open up to you.

Women only resist rapport when they sense, even slightly, that your words/actions are somehow false.

If you're a warm charmer, be a warm charmer. She'll open up.
If you're a cocky-funny badboy, be a cocky-funny badboy. She'll open up.
If you're a sensual Casanova, be a sensual Casanova. She'll open up.
If you're a classy gentleman, be a classy gentleman. She'll open up.

You just have to grow internally as a man. Learn who you really are underneath all that psychological baggage and bad social programming. Once you've determined what your identity is, you can consider how a man like you would act, and then act accordingly.

It is not easy, but it is simple.
