Many people new to pheromones often wonder if all they are going to get with pheromones is some smiles, some looks, a friendly chat here and there, but not sex, or relationship. Its understandable. Pheromone products are not cheap and the skill to use them effectively takes a lot of time and patience. So the reward better be worth it. So I started thinking back on which products actually did get me laid or get me a relationship and what was the common theme in those products. Its funny, but the first product that comes to mind is APC, which was a really low dose of -none, but it worked pretty smoothly. Others have been, Primal Instinct with Chikara, MX101, MX101 + MX102 + P79, TE + A314 + PF, and some that I may be forgetting right now. For relationship the best have been, again APC, but also MX203, and surprisingly MX292. I think the best mix for sexual attraction should contain a small spike of -None (doses vary from person to person) on a base of a symphonic mix (low dose of ...