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Showing posts from May, 2010

MX101 in Issey

So, I bought MX349 which is basically MX101x2 and cut it in half using Issey Miyake. So, basically 1 spray of this is equiavlent to 1 spray of MX101 but in Issey Miyake cologne smell. Tried 1 spray to the back of neck and went for lunch and noticed a feeling of presence. Went to the gym around 5 hrs later and the girl at the counter was immediately attarcted. Giving looks and smiles almost as soon as she saw me and after I was done with the workout. Took a shower and then applied 1 more spray to back of neck and 1 spray of P75 at 2.5 mcg. Noticed many women giving me smiles and looks for the next hour or so that I was in the bar. From my experience I have noticed tha MX101 changes into something very good next day, not by converting on your skin, but somehow it seems that your body becomes conditioned to release very attractive pheromones by itself the next day, even after completely scrubbing your body. I have noticed this phenomena before and today it was verified again. I showered i...

A314 + Pherlure trials this week

So, I have been trying A314 + Pherlure for the past week and noticed some good responses. Pherlure maybe one of the best fresh smelling pheromone products sold anywhere. However its pheromone content is doubtful and much has been said about this company's dubious business practices. However I have noticed definite pheromone responses from the product, atleast from the bottle that I had purchased long time ago. I remembered that A314 + Pherlure gives me very similar responses to A314 + P83. One day tried 3 sprays of Pherlure (spread throughout the day) with 3 drops of A314 applied in the morning and 2 sprays of IH4x applied right before leaving for the bar and had a pretty good time with friends at a bar. Conversations were comfortably sexual. Some women seemed attracted at the bar and once we left the bar to a girl's house who my gf commented seemed very attracted to me and was ignoring her, conversation topics were consistently sexual. IH seemed to have a comfort effect and ai...